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A question for sexuals regarding sexual attraction.


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The person.


I'm not interested in sexual acts at all, outside of being attracted to someone. And even then, my interest is limited, really strong placiosexuality. I even hate porn. I don't hate that other people like it, I hate watching it personally. I do seem to have some sort of "affection drive," though, in which I think I'd take some cuddles from a perfect stranger.


I've thought about the possibility that my interest in sexual acts only exists if the person I'm attracted to is a sexual person and wouldn't exist if I was attracted to an asexual. I'm not sure at all, here, this could be true. But I interpret what I experience as sexual attraction, because, when I have it, it is an appreciation for the person's whole body, their whole body strikes me as a sort of interface with their soul. And I have an interest in interacting with their soul through their body. Seems like classic sexual attraction to me.

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