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Help me figure out what I am aha!

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Ok so honestly its ok if there isn't a name for exactly what I am because I get pretty detailed in my descriptions. Im ok with just saying im on the asexual spectrum. But I was wondering what other people had to say about how I feel. 


So, I don't want sex I am disgusted by it. I don't think I could ever see myself doing anything like that. However I do sometimes fantasize about those I do like. But not complete sex idk how to explain it. I've never kissed or dated. But I don't like people seriously ever. I do get big crushes on people here and there. its based on their aesthetic, appearance, and who they are. and im very picky I don't ever find myself attracted to people often. maybe like 1 or 0 people at my entire school. But also when I like people sometimes I feel like im both demiromantic/sexual & lithsexual. its so confusing ik. Because I'm only into people that I've been around a few times like not bffs tho. so thats why I kindof don't say im demisexual/romantic (idk which one). Because I don't have to be long term friends with people to like them. Just talk to them and be around them a few times. But then I think im lithsexual because even tho when I have crushes I fantasize a lot about what it could be like if we had a romantic friendship or relationship or something- I loose feelings quickly. Like I could think I like someone and have a huge crush on them but then once I talk to them a little more or get a little closer. or even am just around them one more day. I completely lose feelings. I've related to gray romantic or gray - a. but I don't fit perfectly anywhere so idk. idek if I actually am asexual too. I kindof just came to the conclusion last night. But even though a relationship with someone I feel like I like a lot sounds nice- I've never imagined myself in a cookie cutter relationship with kissing or dates. I don't really want that. Maybe sometimes if I really like someone I can imagine maybe I would kiss them but idk still. so im very confused ! sorry its really complicated. 

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It sounds like you're asexual, since you never want sex. As for the romantic part, lithromantic seems like it would fit, or something on the aro spectrum. Don't worry too much about labeling yourself, though. Give it time.

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Janus the Fox

Yeah complicated or not, for whatever you feel about yourself, others often feel the same way or empathise with things that are relatable.


There's a lot in the figuring out part here, plenty of resource to take as fare in reading as personally necessary :)


READ ME: A Guide and FAQ to the Asexual Q&A Wonderland

What is Sexual Attraction?

Romantic and Aromantic Lexicon and FAQ

The Asexual-Sexual Q&A Thread

A/Sexuality & Sexual Orientation Lexicon [READ ME]

Gender Definitions Master List, Forum Etiquette, and FAQ




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