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Just had my first sex dream at age 23


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So as the title suggests, I'm a bit shocked....never even had anything close to a sex dream where I'm involved in the sex. And it was graphic, to say the least.


The dream was basically me being coerced into it by this girl I sorta knew in college, and then she performed oral sex and I ended up really,really enjoying it- I can still remember the sensations I felt in the dream and kinda still feel it.


I've never had a sex dream that I'm involved in, but if I did I kinda thought it would be with a man... but all of a sudden I'm curious about women..a lot. It was so amazing in my dream that I'm suddenly thinking about trying it in real life, maybe Ive just been gay and repressed all along, is that crazy?  Now I'm in the middle of an asexuality and homosexuality crisis, how fun.


I Know it's just a dream And I'm probably being ridiculous, but it just felt so real and vastly different from the kinds of dreams I usually have. I'm a little confused right now is an understatement! 


Anyone else ever have a similar experience? I'm up for any advice- just had to get it out.


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I think I was about 21 or 22 the first time I had a sex dream of any sort, which was 11-12 years ago now. I haven't honestly had many in my lifetime. I wouldn't read too much into the gender of the person in your dream, or at the very least I wouldn't base your orientation solely on that. Of the few dreams I've had, some have involved guys and some have involved girls (I'm female). I'm gay as shit, sex with guys isn't my thing.


That said, I'm never going to discourage someone from exploring their sexuality. Could you be gay? Sure, possibly. Took me a while to figure that one out myself.

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You're not being remotely ridiculous! Sorting out your sexuality can be a process that takes a long time. There's nothing wrong with exploring sexual options if you feel like it. If that changes your perception of your orientation, what's the harm in that? You are who you are, no matter what you call yourself, right? Don't limit yourself or hold back because of a label. That said, you might explore and find out that you don't like it at all; that might not be the most fun experience, but it's still OK, and at least you would know for sure. As long as you're being honest with anyone that you might attempt this with, so that nobody is being led on, there's no reason not to try it if you want to.

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