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so i have no idea what a romantic relationship is. or what romance is in general.. i've been trying to do research but it's still so so hard to wrap my head around it........

what is romance in your opinion? what do you think people are looking for when they're looking for a romantic relationship?

i'm going to be honest, i've always thought of romance and physical touch / lust to be all around the same area and i realize that it's not .. 

my own conclusion is that when people want to be in a romantic relationship it's to basically not be alone or to find someone who understands them and they want to spend their time with them but i feel like that's wrong


ah i just read the FAQ , my bad for asking this

i need to go to bed right now but i can't find out how to delete this thread so hopefully i can find out how in the morning

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For me personally, a romantic relationship is a higher degree of intimacy- mentally, emotionally, and physically. Some people find that they can achieve the same results with a good friend, but I've never felt that way.


When it's romantic, I want to spend all my time around them. I feel comfortable in their presence. Even though I'm an introvert, I'm not overwhelmed or tired out by their company. I can cry all over them, and I don't feel awkward cuddling them for extended periods of time. I constantly want to plan new adventures with them, and there's a lot of experiences I want to share specifically with them and no one else. We remember lots of little details about each other and know when something is wrong. They will be there through the best times and the worst times. Sex aside, I show them affection: Kisses on the cheek, long hugs, notes of appreciation, hand-holding. Sometimes I look over at them, when they're doing something that is uniquely them, and I get a burst of warmth and affection in my chest.


I find that a lot of my friendships contain elements of the above, but not all of the above. I think a romantic relationship is a classic "all of the above" life situation. You are devoted to this person, and them to you.



And yes you can have all of that with a friend but at that point you might just be in a relationship with them anyway.

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