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As de Corazones - Short Film


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As de Corazones is a short film in the making by Meraki films (Peru). It is the story of a young man figuring out his sexuality, learning that he could be asexual.


The creators are looking for some support to put their film out, so if you're able, please check out their IndieGoGo campaign! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/as-de-corazones-short-film-love-drama#/




Daniel, un chico de 16 años, está confundido porque no siente ningún tipo de atracción por Alina, su enamorada, quien lo ha invitado a pasar el fin de semana a solas en su casa. Esta situación pone tenso a Daniel y, junto a su mejor amigo Richi, intenta descubrir qué le está pasando. Una historia acerca de la búsqueda y la importancia de la identidad sexual.


[translated by Google translate] Daniel, a 16 year old boy, is confused because he does not feel any attraction for Alina, his girlfriend, who has invited him to spend the weekend alone in his house. This situation tenses Daniel and, together with his best friend Richi, tries to discover what is happening to him. A story about the search and the importance of sexual identity.


This has been approved by the Project Team.


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