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Most people's preferences and experiences are too complicated to be summed up in a few words. Labels (in the gender/sexuality sense) aren't meant to encompass your entire identity in detail, and attempts to do so usually end up as long strings of invented words that need to be explained anyway so I struggle to see how that can be useful to anyone, personally. But to each their own. I'd rather keep my labels minimal and if I want someone to know more about me, I'll just tell them in plain English. It's worked pretty well for me so far.

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I was 58 before I knew there was a word that described my sexual orientation. I had simply accepted the fact I wasn't interested in sex all my life and felt there wasn't anything wrong with me. The only real use the label has for me is it confirms I'm part of a larger community. It sort of reminds me of the man who painted a picture of a pipe and entitled it This is not a pipe. In a similar way, the label on a can isn't what's inside it. 


BTW: happy Easter Fool's day! (Easter Sunday and April Fool's day in the USA)

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3 minutes ago, Mute all sounds at will said:

like that, Also, the fact that you accepted your preferences is impressive to me (even if it isn't anything to you). And thank you! ♡

It wasn't before I began participating in the forum. I was struck by the fact hardly anybody seemed at ease with themselves. It challenged me to try and find out why I've never been concerned about the way I live. If I can discover why maybe it can help others too. There isn't any reason to feel ashamed about what you do if you aren't hurting yourself or anybody else. Frankly I think self acceptance starts by learning how to listen to yourself instead of everyone around you. Your friends will never really know what's best for you and the TV isn't anybody's friend no matter how friendly it is.

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I've noticed that I've been hesitant to really try and label my preferences, romantic orientations, etc. I do like labeling myself as asexual. Like Yeast said above, it confirms that I'm part of a larger community.  That label helps me feel less alone.  But I don't really want to define myself any narrower than that.  To be honest, I just don't care about the specifics. And to answer your questions, yeah I live my everyday life pretty awesomely that way, it feels great, and I still think I have a pretty decent sense of self. :)  I'm content to just be on the ace spectrum, I don't feel lost not knowing EXACTLY where I am on it.

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Never cared much for labels. I don't need words to know what I am. And besides that, people around me are keen to use their own labels to describe me. Where I wrapped up in this affair of titles I think it would be a waste of energy on my part. Being concerned with trying to put a name to myself and concerned when others didn't use it correctly? Na. Not my style. I see too many fall into the trap of claiming a title adamantly, and then turning on themselves when they inevitably change and no longer merit the qualities to sustain that label. My life is already filled with closed doors in my way. I don't need to create anymore for myself than I what I already have to begin with. I grew up through a lot of mockery on kid's parts. First thing I learned was that self appointed titles usually fail you. All one can do is act, and ride along with the names that follow.

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Sometimes I  think that labels don't matter and I can be a f* unicorn for all the world cares...but others I would like to actually know it, not being in the middle of nowhere and actually fit in a group of like-wise individuals (that's probably why I'm here) 

It's a tricky matter to sort out I guess x)

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