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My Faith in the Viability of Asexuality as a Lifestyle Has Been Renewed


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I just found out how to filter to only view asexuals using OkayCupid’s iPhone app.


With the label of “asexual” literally serving the proper technical purpose a label is supposed to serve now, thus making asexual dating possible, I have completely renewed my faith in the asexual movement and the possibility there will one day be an asexual community with asexual-only-dating similar to how the gay community has gay-only dating.


Asexual dating needs to be segregated from allosexual dating because otherwise straight men will just steamroll all the asexual women away. Heterosexual American dating is based on such aggressive cat and mouse activities based with men as the pursuer, that it’d be almost impossible for any hetero-romantic asexual man to date an asexual woman while also competing for her with straights. Plus, straights are driven by sexual needs, putting a fire under their feet far more han asexuals would have.


Anyway, the fact that the OkayCupid app allows this filtering means all is saved and all should be well.

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Miss Anne Thrope

Ok Cupid used to have that option, but it was removed. Was it put back? If so, I can't find it.

As a side note, OkCupid has added some other things that I like: you can only message people that you like, and they can only see the message if they decide to like you (OkC tells you when someone has messaged you, even if you haven't liked them yet). This is great because you only have to talk to people you want to talk to. My first stretch on the site was exhausting because I recieved way too many messages from guys I wasn't interested in. I didn't want to talk to them, but it often felt rude to ignore them. Also, I had to deal with a troll and a couple assholes (one guy blew up at me for not responding right after seeing his message, and after I explained that I just didn't have time and was going to respond later but didn't want to talk to him anymore, he got mad at me for not giving him a second chance; another guy laughed at me for being a virgin and decided that I was "probably a f*g", so that was great). With the new changes, I'm unlikely to deal with that shit again.

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Click the “More” button when filtering by “Interested In”.


Back in 2014/2015, I went on a few dates with asexuals when they used to have that feature and even got to platonically cuddle and watch Netflix once, and it seemed like the future, but then I could no longer find the filter button.


The game has changed once again now that I found the feature!



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