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My asexy experience


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Ok, so, I've never been interested in anything related to having sex or stuff like that, I mean, when I was a little monster I used to be curious or a lil perv jajsd but i didn't really care about sex at all, tho I used to think "when I grow up I will like/want it", and that I was going to have biological kids and stuff. However, some years ago I still had no interest, what's more, I used to see myself adopting kids in a far, far future, and every time a topic related to sexual things was brought up, I stayed quiet or said whatever the others would say. Everything was a lie. Like, I didn't think people could actually feel sexual attraction to someone, I always thought it was a damn joke, or that they just said it to seem cool or I don't know being ace is funny sometimes jahsdjfdhjdg.


2017 was the year where I got to know  more about the LGBTQ+ community I thought a was a cis-het, proud to be an ally jAJHSJHD, and after reading a lot about it, I learned asexuality was IS a thing. As long as I got myself informed about the sexuality, I felt more identified with it. But it took me some months, I think time to admit it, like, "I'm too young, but I'll want sex at some point of my life..." *laughs in spanish* that never happened, hun. And then I realized  I didn't and still, of course want to have sex. EVER.


Sometimes it upstes me that sex is so overrated, people talk about it like it was the thing that makes us be humans, like it was the only thing that really matters when you're alive. There's even people who are afraid of dying as a virgin sorry, but wHAt. It's fine if you want to have sex I don't mind, but nOT EVERYONE IN THIS QUIZNAKING WORLD WANTS TO HAVE SEX, NOT EVERYONE CARES ABOUT IT, NOT EVERYONE THINKS IT'S GREAT. No, don't be sorry for someone who is a virgin, or is not interested in sex at all. IT ISN'T THE END OF THE WORLD. It's just, uGH. I'm done.


Um, wanna know the reasons why I didn't come out yet tho I'm a total shy introvert? No? Whatever:


-If you don't like sex, you're a damn special-snowflake-monster who's only seeking for attention and wants to feel special. I don't want your quiznaking attention, I HATE GETTING ATTENTION, PLEASE.


-"yoU'Re tOO youNg tO kNOw sO, yOu'RE GOnnA loVE iT aS a grOwN up wOMaN" I'M NOT EVEN A FEMALE, P L E A S E .


-"you're gonna get through this, don't worry"




Don't worry, I AM NOT SICK ANYWAY.


There's probably a lot of other reasons, but I'm lazy af :^)


I think that's it, thanks for reading, you beautiful cinnamon roll<3




PD: it actually took me some time to erase the dyslrixa (:

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Forgotten Fox

Relatable, I've honestly only came out to 3 people about being Ace (and they all moved away from my school so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) but doubt I'll tell anyone else until I get to college/out of my family's house. Until then I remain as obviously Ace as can be even when no one seems to realize it! :D

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2 minutes ago, Forgotten Fox said:

Relatable, I've honestly only came out to 3 people about being Ace (and they all moved away from my school so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) but doubt I'll tell anyone else until I get to college/out of my family's house. Until then I remain as obviously Ace as can be even when no one seems to realize it! :D

that's great! same, probably. like, it's pretty obvious i'm ace, i don't know why noone asked me anything yet. plus all the ace references i always make, aH. idontunderstamd. thanks for reading, my dude(¿ janjsdj

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The first time I came out as Asexual was during a Sex Education lesson when the topic of sexual orientations came up and the teacher couldn't place me.
I had to sit there surrounded by a crowd of confused people, and explain what it meant to all of them, including the said teacher.
That was a long time ago, and I've only come out to a few people online since. Not even my family knows.

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4 minutes ago, MichaelTannock said:

The first time I came out as Asexual was during a Sex Education lesson when the topic of sexual orientations came up and the teacher couldn't place me.
I had to sit there surrounded by a crowd of confused people, and explain what it meant to all of them, including the said teacher.
That was a long time ago, and I've only come out to a few people online since. Not even my family knows.

that's good, i mean, you were so brave, I'M PRODU.


useless info¿: at my shcool they make similar stuff, and if we're doing this sex class thingy, and they ask us to make anonymous questions, i'm gonna ask something related to asexuality for sure, aH. 

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Personally I have so far been pretty lucky, not really having had any issues with coming out as ace, although I don't see how it matters for people unless they are really close friends to me or something like that, so don't really see the need to come out as such. IRL I have only told one person I guess, which went well, but doubt coming out will be common for me, part because it rarely matters, and part for the reasons you listed

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7 minutes ago, Zhev said:

Personally I have so far been pretty lucky, not really having had any issues with coming out as ace, although I don't see how it matters for people unless they are really close friends to me or something like that, so don't really see the need to come out as such. IRL I have only told one person I guess, which went well, but doubt coming out will be common for me, part because it rarely matters, and part for the reasons you listed

same. i know coming out isn't necessary, but idk. when i'm ready, i'm gonna tell my friends, who are the people i trust the most tbh, or idk. have a god day, jajhsj!

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16 minutes ago, sasa said:

that's good, i mean, you were so brave, I'M PRODU.

Thank you for saying so. It was an embarrassing experience for me, even though it shouldn't have been.
I remember there being a long awkward silence where everyone was staring at me, and the only thing I could think to do to make them move on was to ask them "Is that okay?" which did make them say "yes" and move on.

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Yeah, I can totally see why you would want to come out, it is a part of who you are and you want to share that and all that, I'm maybe just a bit weird and don't care about that? 

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2 minutes ago, MichaelTannock said:

Thank you for saying so. It was an embarrassing experience for me, even though it shouldn't have been.
I remember there being a long awkward silence where everyone was staring at me, and the only thing I could think to do to make them move on was to ask them "Is that okay?" which did make them say "yes" and move on.

that's great. if i did it, my classmates would make fun of me, i think.


also, sorry for the typos .-.

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2 minutes ago, Zhev said:

Yeah, I can totally see why you would want to come out, it is a part of who you are and you want to share that and all that, I'm maybe just a bit weird and don't care about that? 

it's fine! the weirder, the better jahdjs. also, i'm not sure if i want to come out or not, but i just feel like idk, aH. it's weird,,,,

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Agreed, weird is fun. No worries, coming out or not depends on the person and other stuff, and it isn't always easy to know what one wants

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