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What do I do about my Lithromantic ways?


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Hello everyone I’m new to this site and I just wanted to say hi. My name is Aiden Martinez and I’m 17,I’m struggling with something pretty complicated. I feel like I like woman and I’m attracted to women,but yet I feel no interest to  go out of my way to find them, I don’t feel the need. Also I feel uncomfortable when intimacy is advanced on me which is odd because I should be welcoming it. I feel like I form these very powerful emotions for someone then when it comes down to it I just don’t follow through and I completely retract,almost like my feelings turn to the exact opposite. I’ve looked on the internet and they say this is called being lithromantic. I feel like I’m always In a tug of war with my mind, and it’s terrible. I really think something is wrong with me. If I could get insight,help and feedback that be great. Also id like to submerge myself in the culture haha.

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Moved from Questions about Asexuality to Romantic and Aromantic Orientations.



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Hi, Aiden! I'm also new here, joined just a few minutes ago. I've just recently realized my (a)sexual orientation, and to think that I'm already 41 :D so I think you should consider yourself fortunate for realizing it sooner :) I think there's nothing really wrong with you. It's a preference that not everyone will understand so being a part of this community is a blessing coz you'll get to meet people who will understand and will be able to help you. Good luck!

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Take your time ;) The journey towards self discovery is never easy but I'm sure you'll get there :)  

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I would call you uniquely special :) That's what we are ;)  so don't be too hard on yourself ;) I know it's a bit confusing right now but as you meet more like- minded people here I'm sure you'll feel better about yourself. If there are meet ups or get-togethers in your area it might help if you join them :)

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Hi Aiden!


Sorry to hear you're having issues with being Lithromantic. In all honesty, I haven't found a way to cope with it quite yet! I've been dealing with it my entire life (I'm 21, and only realized I was asexual last year and Lithromantic this year!) but I think there's hope for us still!

In Grade Four, when I was ten years old, I actually had a successful and fulfilling relationship! It lasted four months (insane for being ten years old, but it was truly special!) and I actually consistently was excited to be with that person, had butterflies, and truly was head over heels for them despite them liking me back. To be fair, I oddly ended the relationship because I was bored and I was very cold and cruel with how I ended things. I'm wondering why from that point on I've been unable to avoid my Lithromantic tendencies.


Anyways, just know that there is a chance something could click with someone! Out of the many failed relationships/crushes, one of them didn't trigger a Lithromantic reaction, so I think there's hope 😊

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On Saturday, February 17, 2018 at 9:20 PM, Aiden_M4 said:

Hello everyone I’m new to this site and I just wanted to say hi. My name is Aiden Martinez and I’m 17,I’m struggling with something pretty complicated. I feel like I like woman and I’m attracted to women,but yet I feel no interest to  go out of my way to find them, I don’t feel the need. Also I feel uncomfortable when intimacy is advanced on me which is odd because I should be welcoming it. I feel like I form these very powerful emotions for someone then when it comes down to it I just don’t follow through and I completely retract,almost like my feelings turn to the exact opposite. I’ve looked on the internet and they say this is called being lithromantic. I really think something is wrong with me.

Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING is wrong with you. As I'm sure your research has indicated, lithromantic (in a nutshell) means you feel romantic attraction, but when they love you back, you want to bolt. That's how I am. What I do is just chill for a second. I know I'm hardly going to "die alone" or anything because I have friends and family who love and accept me. If I never find someone to love romantically, then I don't. And that's okay. Just work on finding and loving yourself. Romantic love isn't the only kind of love there is. And it's definitely not the most important. 

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