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What's your love language?


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I got a question for you all, what is your love language? You might be wondering what is a love language? Well they are how someone expresses affection for someone, this doesn't have to be exclusive to romantic relationships. 


Well there are five that have been recognized, they are...


1) Words of Affirmation: Where someone uses words to affirm someone. Example: Good job on that speech! Example 2: You look lovely tonight!

2) Quality time: Where someone enjoys giving or receiving undivided attention from someone. Example: A date, or having a lunch with an old friend.

3) Receiving gifts: This doesn't mean someone is greedy, it just means they enjoy giving gifts to show affection or they like to receive a physical form of someone's affection. 

4) Acts of service: When someone likes helping someone or being helped by someone. Example: Loading the dishwasher, cleaning the toilet, picking up dinner. 

5) Physical touch: When someone likes to be physical with someone, this can even be as simple as hugging or holding hands. 


A lot of people can relate to more than one, but most people have a main one. I think it is very important for people to know their dominant love language, and for those in relationships to know their partners love language. 


Which one do you connect with the most? 

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Saying sweet things and cuddling


Maybe some kissing (once i get over my ocd) 😙

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Red Sun Rises

I had to go take the test for them to tell me - http://www.5lovelanguages.com/profile/ for anyone who wants to do the same - but my results jive with what I already know about myself, just couldn't put into words.  Mine is totally Quality Time.  I will literally just lay on your couch and listen to you talk about your life, I don't even have to talk and I'm good.  I will walk around the grocery store with you, or go to your kids' boring school plays, or come to your office after work and sit around doing paperwork while you finish up a big project or something.  I love having individual time with people - eating, drinking, watching tv, talking, whatever - and just spending time together.  Being there for people.  I dunno, it's kinda my thing.

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Personally I prefer quality time, I'm not a fan of touch and gifts are ok I guess, acts of service are done when needed or requested and as for words of affirmation, they are ok but often feel empty but when I'm with a close friend we insult each other as a sign of affection (it's strange I know but it's how we are :P)

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I love love love giving gifts to show my affection to anyone I am close to, and even for the cats living in my house sometimes. I enjoy birthdays and gift-giving holidays so much because picking out a present I know someone close to me will enjoy makes me positively giddy. But I prefer to receive Words of Affirmation from others more than I like to receive anything else listed. I was once in an online relationship where we tended to trade Words of Affirmation back and forth and I found that very fulfilling (though I had wished he could be physically present so I could buy him things every once in a while). 

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no clue, really. I don't have enough experience :lol:


ask me again if ever I start dating -_- 


but it's probably spending time together. maybe physical confrimation. and definitely not gifts. but IDK really, I could be wrong - it could change, I just don't have enough evidence to say for certain any way. 

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I like all of them to some extent, but my top one is probably Words of Affirmation.

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I took the quiz that @Red Sun Rises shared. Apparently, mostly physical touch and quality time for me. Knowing myself, yeah, that makes sense.

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Galactic Turtle

Usually through words. Helping someone talk through their concerns. A thing that makes me feel really close to my friends is when we talk about different areas of the entertainment industry, going through our thoughts on recent happenings, and taking the time to analyze it together and pick each other's brains on it.


The second is through presence. I might ask if someone would like me to be there for something or (on occasion) showing up by surprise! My friend is traveling for work tomorrow and is concerned about being separated from all the people she feels supported by. I asked her what time her flight is, what time she's waking up, and promised i'd be online all day to keep her company if she needs it!


I also personally feel really connected through imagination or creativity. When first going to college I got to know my friends through playing D&D together. That's an intimate feeling for me. In high school I formed a band with my friends. I loved practicing and making songs with them on the weekends. One of my friends these days enjoys writing fan fiction just as much as I do so we'd spend all day in a cafe writing across from each other, sometimes bouncing around ideas. I really love these types of moments. Karoke is always a good time too!

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Quality time. If neither of us has run away after a decent period of time, that's when I'll know.

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Probably acts of service and in some way quality time. I'm not really sure about it, but I'm sure that I don't care that much about the other three, especially words and gifts.

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Took the test, and my primary language is apparently Physical Touch (11 points). It means a lot to me, since I truly believe you wouldn't let (or wouldn't feel comfortable with) anyone random to approach closely or touch you; if you let them be physical with you it means you care about or like that person, in some way.

Quality Time would be at 2° place: finding some precious time and using it to spend it with someone you care means a lot too imo. Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service are pretty equal at 3° place. Receiving Gifts - not really, I think it's awkward to some degree.

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It seems that my primary language is quality time, which I agree on. I like the idea of just spending time with someone, let it be at a fancy restaurant or at home in sweats. Taking the time in a day to slow down, and appreciate someone is pretty great. My second one was Acts of Service, this ties into how busy life can be. If they are stressed just taking some weight off their shoulders makes me feel good, and I know they appreciate it. 

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I use more frequently Words of Affirmation. I also like Quality Time with my friends and family, like when I and my best friend go on adventures and get lost or go to museums and Physical Touch is just with my family hugging my sisters and the occasional kiss in the cheek. I don't give gifts to anyone and don't expect them too and I don't like to do Acts of Service. My Acts of Service are a one in a billion years thing, but if people want to make them for me... I'm super happy with that. (I'm just too lazy to care to make them and have more important things to do.)


But Words of Affirmation is something I can use with everyone. Strangers, friends, family and so on, so to me they mean everything and it's almost the only way you can get some kind of affection from me. The others only happen if you are someone truly especial to me, except gifts. I'm physically incapable of giving gifts, but hey, I compensate with words of motivation, encoragement, kindness, advices and jokes to make people feel better with themseves and forget their troubles.

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I also took that quiz, and apparently I value Receiving Gifts and (equally) Words of Affirmation... It makes sense in a way, since I get really excited whenever I receive gifts, but it is certainly not a language I can answer with, I'm so rubbish at giving gifts... The Affirmation thing makes a lot of sense, I need reassurance constantly.

Third is Physical Touch, which I thought would be first, since I'm not a very touchy person with people I don't know, but with the people I like, I very often find myself touching them somehow. I also thought quality time would rank higher with me, since I value that a lot too... Oh well, in the end I guess it's always a mixture with maybe some traits dominating.

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confused lil bee

For me it's quality time > words of affirmation > physical touch > acts of service > >receiving gifts


which is pretty damn accurate. Nothing I love more than spending time with loved ones and compliments make my day <33


I kind of hate receiving gifts because its just more physical shit to put somewhere, and in my experience people who gift me things aren't willing to get to know me, they just wanna give me shit. Like ok, but listen to me and spend time with me pls? I don't want some random as token (just me? ok)

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I had to take the test too ^^'

It seems to be very balanced between the Word of Affirmation (9), Acts of Service/Physical Touch (7) and Quality Time (6) - lowest is Receiving Gifts (2) and that's pretty accurate, because I don't really like people spending anything (besides time) for me and I'm terrible at gift-giving >.>

I actually love and hate getting compliments and the like, because I can't receive them very well... I was expecting Physical Touch to be the highest, because I love hugging/cuddling with people I'm (very) close to :) 

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Didn't have to think 5 seconds after reading to know it would be quality time, being able to be with the people you love and have each other's attention is too nice. Words of affirmation is really close though, nothing better than spending time together and saying nice things, or send appreciative texts. 

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It's a tie between words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch

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Physical touch, plain and simple.


I don’t like compliments (words of affirmation) or gift-receiving/giving (just not really my cup of tea, it seems stressful, expensive, and kind of pointless personally).

Quality time is an important thing but is not my love language.

Acts of service just generally seem like what you should do, or your job, or just ‘nice, I guess’... I don’t feel loved by it much. And it’s not how I show love. Although I know that’s my mom’s love language, so I’ve been trying to understand that she’s trying to love me in her own way.


So, yep. Physical touch. When uneducated people hear that’s how I show love, a lot of them are like ‘but I thought you were asexual???!!?’ It’s kind of funny but very annoying. Sensual and sexual are different :lol:.

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What I've experienced most is quality time, but what I've felt has been missing and want more is physical touch.

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Words of Affirmation is what I prefer, Acts of service is what I do.

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The results of the quiz were Quality Time and Physical Touch, makes sense with me.

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Extroverted Introvert

I've taken this quiz several times and usually words of affirmation is my highest ranked. I need to hear that I am doing things well/right or I get super self-conscious. Gifts is always the absolute lowest. I was just talking about this to a friend - how I think receiving gifts is the most awkward thing. But I enjoy giving gifts. Its always the anticipation of seeing their reaction to it.

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physical touch followed by quality time and acts of service, apparently. seems pretty accurate.

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A shard of glass

My love language is basically squeezing, cuddling, making various noises that I call "cuddly noises", and sharing a bed... I mean... that's what I'd do if I had a girlfriend XD

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My love language is quality time. I love spending time with people who I love. I mean, that is how I show it, usually. It is followed closely by physical touch, except only with people I care about really. The rest are significantly lower, especially gifts.

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