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Informational books/articles about non-binary/transgender


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I'm looking for resources that explain being non-binary and/or transgender.  I've explained being NB/trans to my mom a thousand times in every way I can think of, but she still doesn't get it.  I think having some informational resources written by other people might help.  I'm open to anything, books, articles, videos, websites, research articles, etc...  It can be about what it's like being NB/trans, or the psychology of it, or what to do if your kid is NB/trans, anything.  The main stuff I'm looking for is...

  • what being non-binary/transgender feels like
  • why it's important to transition or express yourself in a certain way
  • why identifying as NB/trans and having labels for how you feel is a good thing (her argument: just be yourself, you don't have to have a label for it or change your name/pronouns/body/etc.)
  • why preferred names/pronouns are important
  • recognizing non-binary as a real and valid identity
  • the importance of social support/family acceptance in transgender people


But anything else is great too if you have recommendations!  Thanks guys.

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There's "The ABC's of LGBT+" by Ash Hardell. You can even download it for free as "The GayBC's of LGBT+".

I really like this book as it presents a good overview over all things LGBT+, including gender of course. I'm not quite sure if it has exactly the things you need, but it may be a start.

The free version is a bit different than the physical book, but the most important things are the same.

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Just now, Tintenfeder said:

There's "The ABC's of LGBT+" by Ash Hardell. You can even download it for free as "The GayBC's of LGBT+".

I really like this book as it presents a good overview over all things LGBT+, including gender of course. I'm not quite sure if it has exactly the things you need, but it may be a start.

The free version is a bit different than the physical book, but the most important things are the same.

I second this. I recently bought this book and it is very informative. It speaks about spectrums such as gender, sexuality, etc.. It has been very helpful especially since I have started questioning my gender

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uppercaseCHASE1 on Youtube made a really informative Trans 101 series. There’s 30 or 31 episodes but you could cut out the ones not relevent to your case. (As he addresses prepubescent suff too). 

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On 1/14/2018 at 10:58 AM, Tintenfeder said:

There's "The ABC's of LGBT+" by Ash Hardell. You can even download it for free as "The GayBC's of LGBT+".

I really like this book as it presents a good overview over all things LGBT+, including gender of course. I'm not quite sure if it has exactly the things you need, but it may be a start.

The free version is a bit different than the physical book, but the most important things are the same.

I also recommend this book! I'm in the middle of it right now and it is chock-full of information that's all interesting to read about even if it's something you don't identify as. If nothing else it should at least give you a good starting place of some things to research further.

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If anyone cares, I've rounded up a few crazy legitimate sources about this stuff.  Super interesting.  Least jargon-y and broadest overview is definitely this one, the APA's q&a deal about transgender and nonbinary and gender expression and whatnot.  


American Psychological Association. (2011).   Answers to your questions about transgender people, gender identity, and gender expression.  Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/topics/lgbt/transgender.aspx


American Psychological Association. (2015).  Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People.  American Psychologist, 70(9), 832-864.


Keener, E. (2015).  The complexity of gender: it is all that and more... in sum, it is complicated.   Sex Roles, 73, 481-489


Dhenje. C., et al. (2016). Mental health and gender dysphoria: a review of the literature.  International Review of Psychology, 28(1), 44-47.


Bossee, J. D., Chiodo, L.  (2016)  It is complicated: gender and sexual orientation identity in LGBTQ youth.  Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25.  3665-3675.


Richards, C., et al.  (2016).  Non-binary or genderqueer genders.  International Review of Psychiatry, 28(1).  95-102.


PM me if you want to know more.

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