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Tolerance and Acceptance has its limits


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24 minutes ago, Chimeric said:

Your post is very well written, I just had a couple of comments regarding this bit. 


The reoffense rate is 40% currently. Almost half of the people who were charged with having molested a child and gone through the system are likely to do so again. To me, this indicates an immense failure of our current system of "therapy" and suggests that there is at least a degree of hardwiring in the perpetrator (and at this point, this is what they are), though I agree with you there is hardly any real research done yet into examining what makes a pedophile. If we determine the underlying cause is in fact chemical and therefore manipulatable (read: therapeutic), I strongly believe it is our moral responsibility to offer this as a treatment option for pedophiles. This is the basis for curative pharmacology. You take a drug, it interacts with chemical signals, it positively influences some cascades and negatively impacts others, and it alleviates the cause of the symptoms. In the meantime, until we know enough about the cause of pedophilia to have a specific molecular target around which to design a drug, we have treatment options that are (so far) demonstrated to vastly reduce the reoffense rate. To provide tangible relief for the pedophiliacs and to protect their potential victims, aren't we morally obligated to apply these methods? 

From the little I remember after having read on the subject, yes, I remember it being quite small and thus proven to overall be very unsuccessful. I believe that since it has some effect, there are psychological factors involved, especially for those where the therapy has proven to be effective. Again, we probably just don't know enough to truly determine if so is the case or not. 


As for whether it's related to neurochemistry or not, I am unsure how this would be applied. There are a wide range of neurochemicals that are associated with human sexuality, but there is no specific chemical that is related to one specific sexual orientation, so to speak. What would happen would that we would at best chemically castrate the pedophile, but chemical castration is not the same as reversing pedophilia itself. We simply makes it difficult for them to experience sexual desire in the first place, which would make it easier for them to not act on their sexuality. 


Which is why I say that it's either a part of the brain structure and/or genetic which would require greater physical intervention than simply administering a drug. I see no problem with drug use, if there is consent, I don't think we should force anyone to take drugs against their will for the same reason it was wrong to chemically castrate and administer estrogen to homosexuals less than a decade ago, but changing the way people's brains work is dangerous and ethically questionable, imo. And currently we don't know how to change someone's genome, though I'm sure that seeing how we now know that not even DNA is something static, it would be possible to manipulate someone's genes. It would not not too far off from how vaccines currently work. 

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Tasha the demi squirrel
On 12/16/2017 at 7:35 PM, thegrayace said:

horrifying attempt of normalizing pedophilia

I don't know how the heck anyone can support such a thing the whole "they can't help it" argument is b******t control over our actions is part of being human 


On 2/10/2018 at 6:16 PM, Evil said:

There is no middle ground when children are involved

I agree children must be protected

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