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Partner of 3 years recently came out as ace


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*slightly tmi*


okay so me and my partner have been together for 3 years. At the start of our relationship, nothing sexual happened until about 6 months in and then sex was like a regular thing up until about a year ago. Every time we did have sex, it was me who initiated it and I felt like I was forcing them to have sex with me (yikes). In turn of course, it made me feel very undesirable and unattractive. I remember my friends partner say something about asexual (completely unrelated) and then it's like everything made sense. My partner is asexual. After confronting my partner on this, they agreed that they were asexual. Now, of course at the start I was angry because of the way they made me feel and whatnot but now I've come to just accept it. However, I have a bit of a dilemma, I'm a person with a very high sex drive and I am extremely sexually atttracted to my partner (I'm talking like I just want to touch them constantly) but I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable. We sleep in the same bed but when I cuddle them, my hands wander and then I feel bad. Sometimes I think that we should sleep in seperate beds to avoid that but then I feel like I'm punishing my partner. Also compromise is not really an option as we've not had sex in like 2 months and my partners lack of interest in the sexual activity reduces my presentness in the activity and I zone out. I'm really craving sexual intimacy but I don't want to cheat on my partner 

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Sorry to hear about your situation.

You need to have a long talk with your partner  to see whether this relationship is able to continue.

Cheating is never a good option. If Your partner isn't willing to have sex, and isn't open to the idea of having an open relationship,then I think it maybe best for you two to part ways.They deserve the best, and so do you. Neither of you should be in a relationship where you two aren't truly happy.

What ever happens, I hope you two can find happiness. Good luck.

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