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Asexual Ex


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I met a guy two years ago. Let's call him B. I am a gay male myself and thought he was as well. We met online (shocker) on a gay site. Well, through the course of getting to know him better and dating I found out he wasn't out as "gay". Plus, I was his first date, kiss, cuddle, etc. I really grew to like him. We had our problems. But, he really struggled with his sexuality and being out. After awhile I learned he was concerned he was asexual. We never had sex..but we did try other stuff. Our body contact was... very heated and he seemed very attracted to me as he would always become aroused. Anyways, to speed things along...we broke up. He seemed to be dealing with a lot already and things became sort of dramatic on both of our ends. Fast forward a year and a half later and we just hung out and had an amazing time. I have had time to mature but he still worries me. He is scared of who he is and calls himself a broken gay. He is worried how it might look coming out as gay but not liking the sexual aspect. My post is mainly out of ignorance because I do not have anybody to turn to for answers to help him in his plight. He worries me because of his anxiety and how paranoid he gets about people finding out who he is. He has been pushing me away since we hung out because he feels like I am still his secret and that I am the only one who truly knows who he is and feels like he needs to distance himself away from me and the feelings. How do I help? He has been struggling with this majority of his life. I told him that tonight that people don't need to know the details. It is none of their buisness. I just wish he could be comfortable with himself and his situation. Honestly, I love him and I care about him so much...I just want to help and be there for him and have some kind of answers for him.

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