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The Lost Sexuality Game


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Did I ever tell you about how I took part in the subcrawl here in Glasgow? I can't remember much after Kinning Park, but was told that I smashed a bottle over my sexualites head, over an arguement about splitting the winnings from a puggy in the Three Judges. How I completed the subcrawl is a miricle.

I heard tpbm lost their sexuality at a F1 Grand Prix

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Well my sexuality has had rather a checked past and they lost the flag for the finish line, so I loaned it to them. The underdog won the race that day and he wanted to keep the flag to remind him of the race. Of course I was happy for him to have it.


TPBM lost their sexuality at a Buckingham Palace.

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You know thise guards that can't move an inch at Buckingham Palace? My sexualitybfound out the hard way thatbis total BS. One of them felt threatened by it and scared my sexuality away. Never seen it since.

Atleast I saw some sights when it happened, unlike TPBM who was at home when they lost their sexuality

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Yeah you got me, I became a total couch potato and I think while I was watching Gilmore Girls my sexuality got lost in the couch... Now I think it's down there with all the crumbs but it's kinda hard to figure out because there's a lot of stuff down there o.o.

But I heard the person below me actually lost theirs while they were giving a ride to their friends.

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Yeah I was giving some friends and ride home after a party and it was raining pretty hard. My friend was pretty drunk and got my sexuality tangled around their feet and tripped as they got out of the car. Anyway my sexuality got washed into the gutter and down thenough drain before I could reach it. Tbh it's probably happier in the gutter than it was with me.

I heard tpbm lost their's at a jousting tournament though.

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One of the knights asked me for a token of my favour before the jousting began. I didn't have a scarf or a handkerchief, so I gave him my sexuality. He wore it on his shoulder, where it was speared by his opponent's lance. It fell off the lance and was then tramples under the horses hooves.

TPBM lost theirs in a dragon's den.

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Not a Dragons den but THE Dragons den.

So a few years ago I went into the den with a business proposal. However my sexuality screwed up the pitch, and got into a heated arguement with Peter Jones. Deborah Meaden ended up offering an inveatment of £20,000. She originally wanted 50% of the business but I got her down to 35%, in exchange of my sexuality tobmake up the rest of the 15%. Didn't want thw trouble it caused me so I accepted it.

Oh and before you ask, the business ended up bust :(

Heard TPBM lost theirs on a deserted island.

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Yep. I had already been stranded for 3 days when I found an empty bottle. I needed something to write a message on, so I used my sexuality. I was rescued the next day by the weekly ferry, but I never saw my sexuality again.

Some one told me that TPBM lost theirs in court.

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Crylliac's Backup

That lawsuit was so unfair. Just cause my sexuality was doing 200 in a 40 zone doesn't mean that the state should just take it away from me like that. I have rights!!!

I heard that TPBM left their sexuality in El Dorado.

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It was absolutely worth it. I got a whole bar of gold and 20 doubloons for it.

TPBM lost theirs on a pirate ship.

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That's true! We didn't have a pirate flag, and you simply cannot have a pirate ship without flying the Jolly Roger from the masthead. A little poster paint and my sexuality(with a couple of holes punched in it) soon fixed the problem.

I heard that the person below me carelessly lost their sexuality at a knitting demonstration!

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Crylliac's Backup

Ahhh, you know how it is. You try to do a Magic Loop, you run out of yarn, you grab whatever is closest to you, yada yada yada. It made a lovely sweater though.

I hear that TPBM lost theirs while fighting off an invading alien force

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yeah, i was trying to attack them with my sword, and i when i grabbed my sword and it fell out.. got lost in the shuffle.

i heard tpbm's got lost on a car trip

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Just going to say it: never let your sexuality roll down the windows of your car while you're on the freeway. Mine, at least, loved hanging out the window like a dog, but it really didn't have good balance, and, well.... I couldn't really stop and get it back into the car, I was going 75 mph in traffic!

Didn't someone's get lost at an airport?

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Ok that may or may not have been my fault, to say the least I warned my sexuality to not leave and get food but it didn't listen and got left behind and I simply don't have the money to go back and get it and it doesn't have the money to get another flight plus you have to wait like 100 years before the portal to take the plane through to get to this alt universe so I don't think I'm going to see them again.

But hey I think TPBM has it worse, they lost their sexuality while visiting family.

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Yeah, my cousin had me over for Christmas, and he stole my sexuality. His loss, cuz now I get to be ace!

TPBM lost theirs in class, which, personally, I think is way scarier :D

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Crylliac's Backup

It wasn't scary, it was just annoying. Before class we all had to put out sexualities into a box, but when I went to pick it up after class, someone had stolen it! I tried lodging an insurance claim for it, but they said that "Ephemeral concepts of sexuality and gender weren't covered by my current insurance". Such bull...

I think TPBM might've accidentally eaten theirs though

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Well yes I think that was me. I was watching this really exciting movie and eating popcorn. I think my sexuality must have burrowed into the popcorn out of boredom, cause there were no sex scenes in the movie. I can remember eating something that tasted a bit funny and as I left the theatre I realised my sexuality was gone.

TPBM lost theirs at a Quidditch match.

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Yeah, that was me. I was hit by a Bludger, and it knocked the sexuality right out of me! I looked for it after the match, but I never did find it again.

TPBM lost their sexuality at a restaurant.

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I had nothing else to tip the waiter with. He said he wanted to be a movie star, so extra sexuality seemed like a good idea to him.

TPBM lost their sexuality at the swimming pool.

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Crylliac's Backup

It was a nice quiet day, so I thought that going to the pool would be fun. Oh boy, how wrong was I. There was like 3 different swimming carnivals for the various schools and clubs on that day. I think my sexuality must've either drowned or caught a ride on one of the busses. I never saw it again...

TPBM once had a fight to the death with their sexuality, I believe.

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Hey, it was asking for it! It kept popping up, quite rudely, in the middle of my conversations! I'd be talking to this pretty girl and BOOM it would interrupt and make everything awkward. I'd ask it to please stop, but the thing's a womanizer, it just can't help itself. Finally I decided enough was enough. I told my sexuality to meet me out back for a good ol' fashioned death match at 9 o'clock. Unfortunately, my sexuality brought a gun to a knife fight and I was totally outclassed! It told me to leave town and never come back... I skipped town that night. I don't want to know what would happen if we met again...

Could be worse, I heard TPBM gambled their's away.

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I was playing cards with the devil and I was loosing, then I got a hand with two aces and all I had left to bet was my sexuality, so I did. Unfortunately the devil had a hand with 4 aces. I accused him of cheating and he said "Yes of course I was, but I still win" and he left with everything I owned, including my sexuality.


I heard the person below me lost theirs in an art gallery.

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Crylliac's Backup

Wasn't so much "Lost" as it was "Mistaken for art of the highest calibre". The gallery paid me a pretty penny for such a dazzling specimen of sexuality. I think it is currently touring Europe with other great collected artworks of history.

I heard TPBM lost theirs in preparation for a night of Netlix and Chilling. That had to have been embarrassing >.>

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Unfortunately my sexuality wanted to watch something on Amazon Prime instead of Netflix, and went off to find someone with a subscription to mooch off of instead. Not even the freshly popped popcorn could lure them to stay.

At least I didn't loose mine during a game of Monopoly, like the person below me.

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Yep. It didn't even get to pass go or to collect $200, because I used it to get out of jail for free.

TPBM lost theirs scuba diving.

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Crylliac's Backup

It was so tragic! We were exploring inside an undersea shipwreck, when one of the ship doors started to slam shut! My sexuality bravely pushed me out to safety in time, but was trapped forever. Thank you, good buddy. I'll never forget you *tear rolls down cheek*

Didn't TPBM lose theirs over the internet?

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I didn't loose it! This Nigerian price is going to give me back my sexuality (plus ten percent) any day now!

I heard TPBM lost theirs in a nasty photography accident.

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I was taking a photo of Prince Harry taking a bath, when one of the palace security guards spotted me. I threw my sexuality at him and that gave me just enough time to escape.

TPBM lost theirs ninj'ing people on AVEN arcade.

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Crylliac's Backup

I was moving too fast through the Arcade, dodging left and right. Unfortunately, my sexuality was a bit slower than me, and couldn't quite keep up. Kelnaismith managed to see it and took it out. Poor little guy v.v

TPBM lost theirs while trying to get to a midnight screening of LotR.

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