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The Lost Sexuality Game


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Simple. I got on the bus, and my sexuality was on the other bus :P


TPBM lost their sexuality in a drive-thru funeral parlour, how? 

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I was driving back from work with some friends in the car and were trying to grab some burgers to go. My co-worker suggested that new burger joint at the other end of town. Looking at the restaurant, we followed a drive-thru sign and pulled up to the window. Just as I was going to place our order, a curtain opens, we noticed too late,that we had taken a wrong turn. Instead of a friendly fast-food employee, I looked into the pale grey eyes in the white wrinkly face of my old dead math teacher. Just like facing a dementor, I couldn't manage to look away, and my sexuality was drawn out of me, exiting in frail whisps of  terror, leaving nothing but sexual indifference inside.


Is it true that the person below lost their sexuality in a laundromat?

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I lost my sexuality when I had my appendix removed....turns out my appendix was super sexual

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Green and Purple Dragon

Yeah.. lost my sexuality in a laundromat when I found that it is not machine washable!  All the colors bled and now I'm gay instead of aromantic asexual!  Who knew?


But oof,  I heard the person below me lost their sexuality in a waterpark

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It was my 16th birthday, my mother gifted me a brand new sexuality, because all the other girls my age had sexuality and I wasn't supposed to feel left out. That afternoon, we went to the water park and I had to bring my new sexuality along to show it off. I didn't really know how to attach it securely, so it must have came undone on one of the water slides. I didn't even notice it was gone until we got back. Oh well. My mother was cross with me though.


Now, please tell us the story of how you lost your sexuality in the cookie factory.

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Katarina Gertje

Oh God. That story's a dozy.

So I went to a cookie factory for a school trip (weird place for a school trip), and I was carrying my sexuality around with me. I was too paranoid to leave it at home because the cleaners were coming, and they misplace EVERYTHING.

So we did a tour of the factory, and I reached into my backpack to grab my headphones (honestly, the speaker was SO boring), when some idiot grabbed my sexuality from the bag and started playing toss with it with his friends. Honestly, how careless! My friend and I keep asking for my sexuality back, but then they threw it INTO THE MACHINERY. THEY WERE SERIOUSLY THIS STUPID. My sexuality jammed the machine, my sexuality was destroyed, and we all got blamed for it. Even though I had nothing to do with it.


So how did you lose your sexuality on a tour of Spain?

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My sexuality slipped away while I tried to remember the few words of Spanish I know, and I had to consult a Spanish phrase book. I went home after accidentally ordering a houseplant and an old boot at a restaurant. 


The person below me lost their sexuality while travelling through time in the TARDIS.

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We were travelling somewhere pretty far in the universe, and it was taking a while so the TARDIS was getting pretty stuffy from the machinery. So I opened a window and WHOOOSH there goes my sexuality! It flew out from my jacket's pocket! It's okay though, I'll get a new one when we arrive to our destination!


The person below me lost their sexuality at the zoo.

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Katarina Gertje

A goat at the petting zoo ate it. Enough said.


The person below me lost their sexuality at a comic convention.

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Green and Purple Dragon

Accidentally left it on a table because I was in such a hurry for the next panel.  (Lost track of time while eating a hot dog and watching in awe at a StarWars exhibit). Well, someone thought it was a prop for their costume and took it with them for their cosplay! 🤷‍♀️ 


But please explain how the person below me lost their sexuality at school?

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Sort of intentionally though. I was new at this high school and just casually sported my sexuality, trying not to stick out as the new kid. During lunch break someone judgingly staring at my sexuality, said "use it or lose it", so I decided to lose it then and there.


Tpbm has a funny story on how they lost their sexuality at the aquarium.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I was so frightened, my sexuality ran away.


The person below me lost their sexuality in the shopping mall. 

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Katarina Gertje

I got pick pocketed. Honestly, how silly of me. At least they didn't get my phone.


So how does one lose their sexuality in an arcade?

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I got too engrossed in the games, and Donkey Kong kidnapped my sexuality, mistaking it for that other princess, not Peach. Princess What's-Her-Name. I told him he could have it, and left.


The person below me lost their sexuality while at a family movie style dance party. 

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I bet my sexuality that I would win and then I lost.

Didn't you lose your sexuality at ever after high?

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Yeah I always loved exploring dark corners of the school so I managed to get my sexuality snagged on a nail. I was late to class so I just ripped it off and kept going. When I went back later it was gone! I bet someone stole it.


The person below me gave their sexuality as collateral for a deal they broke

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  • 3 weeks later...

Never make a deal with a fairy.

What do you mean you lost your sexuality while watching the live action grinch movie?!

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All the little Lights

Well, I usually never watch these type of movies, but when an acquaintance convinced me to, I lost my sexuality. After 10 minutes, I was very bored and regretted having given in to said acquaintance, so I told them that and, stood up to do something else (I drew an elf). My sexuality though was really interested in the movie, so it stayed and I have never seen my sexuality or that acquaintance again.


But I heard the person below me lost their sexuality on a food plate?

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Yes, it was a plate of lemons, and I was so disgusted that my sexuality jumped onto the plate, and I ran away.


The person below me lost their sexuality in a haunted house.

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Yeah a ghost made me jump and my sexuality flew right out


TPBM lost their sexuality in a cinema

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Well, I was watching the new Lion King remake, and I was so mad my sexuality went and hid in the popcorn machine, and I was too upset to notice, so I left without it. 


The person below me lost their sexuality while flying on a dragon. 

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Katarina Gertje

I hadn't fashioned it well enough before taking off. It flew off due to the wind blowing against it. Didn't realize until after my flight. Could be at the bottom of the ocean for all I know. 


How do you lose your sexuality at an arcade?

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Pac-Man thought it was food, and ate it up. 


The person below me lost their sexuality on Venus. 

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It was so hot that I had to take my sexuality off as reprieve from the heat. Then my sexuality burnt up.


TPBM lost their sexuality on a spaceship.

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My sexuality went for a space walk and never returned, it wanted to be like Wall-E in that scene outside the ship


TPBM lost their sexuality playing a card game

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it was a really fun poker night and I was on the final table with 2 Aces in my hand. I was so sure that I was going to win the hand, so I tried to raise the stakes and bet my sexuality on top of the All In. last time I ever saw it.


tpbm lost their sexuality at a rock concert?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, you know what happens at rock concerts!! We were at a Black Sabbath concert - floor seats - and my sexuality was partying so hard during Ozzy's song Crazy Train, it eventually got carried up into body surfing. I tried finding it after the concert, before our Uber got there to take us back to our hotel, but it never came back. Probably went to an after-party.


I heard the person below me lost their sexuality in Norway.

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Yep. It was the day I went kayaking in a fjord. Somehow my sexuality slipped into the water, because I couldn't find it when I got onto dry ground.


I think the person below me lost their sexuality while camping in the woods.

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Correct! It started so well, the weather was clear, the birds were singing and the ground was gloriously free of rocks when the tent was set up. The day passed smoothly and as the night set in I got a fire going so I could toast some marshmallows before retiring for the evening, I heard a noise at the edge of the grounds and was astounded to see a unicorn coming out of the trees. I looked at it and it looked at me, there was a brief moment of peace before the beautiful creature charged me, my perfectly gooey marshmallow was abandoned as I fled into the trees at the other end of the grounds.

As I am a person who will only run if death is at my heels its no surprise the majestic beast caught up to me quite quickly, I wasn't spiked like I thought I would be, oh no, instead I had this odd sensation as it drew something from my very core with its horn. I still can't figure out if people have a harder time believing a Unicorn stole my sexuality or that I actually ran.....

(Get it? Cause Unicorns don't exist, just like Ace folks, the Unicorn just wants to be known)



I heard on the grapevine that the next person lost their sexuality in a Dance battle.

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