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Magic ring


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After what must be the better part of 15 years wearing an ace flag badge and a black ring, someone finally approached me a few days ago and asked if the badge meant I was asexual.
The person in question was a young chap who works in a coffee shop....and beyond all coincidence, I was buying a cake at the time! lol.
Oh well, I hope it isn't another 15 years before I meet a 2nd real-life ace.

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Queen of Wonderland

Cool! Hope you guys make friends :cake: :D

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Yays for that

Unfortunately I suspect that many self-identified asexuals are unaware of the symbology

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That's great! It's a fantasy of mine: walk into a café, randomly meet an asexual and become the best of friends ^_^

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Thanks, everyone.
It was quite an amazing feeling after so many years of wondering if it would ever happen.
I do hope we'll become friends.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Stealthy Potato

Nobody as has asked me about being ACE yet, though they assumed that the black ring meant "swinger"...oh my, no lol...the explaination for the finger designation was met with confusion ....i war the ring for myself but I would also embrace someone recognizing my ring as my ACE ring and talking about it if they want. Now I"m craving cake lol

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I've got the ace flag on my bank card. Someone at the bank has asked about it, but they've not connected it with being anything to do with asexuality before asking.

I also have a black ring too.

Personally, it'll be awesome if someone in my life recognised both for what they are - thier connections with asexuality!

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  • 2 months later...

I wear the black ring and no one has ever asked what it meant!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wear the black ring too. And no one has ever twigged to it's meaning.

But I wear a lot of rings. 9 of them. So the plain black one kind of blends in. It doesn't surprise me that it doesn't get noticed.

Still, I have an ace flag button on my jacket and one on my computer bag, I wear a friendship bracelet in ace colours, I have boondoggle/gimp zipper charm ace flags on most of the zippers of my jacket and winter coat, and I have an ace flag sticker on my car, so I'm not exactly flying under the radar. And still nada. Oh well. Maybe someday,

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I've only ever met one other ace person, but it was so funny how it'd happen, cus they were like trying so hard to low key figure me out. Like our friend was talking to a guy and they were like "so that guy... do you think he's cute?"

"Uhm I dunno, I can't really see him from here"

"Oh but like do you think he's- like would you- like are attracted to him, like are yo- would y-, who are you sexually attracted to?"

"Uh I'm ace...."


And then we hugged and shit, and I dunno, I really think it was the best way to meet another ace person for the first time :P

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