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tialoto - When sex is irrelevant. The story of an asexual (Bulgarian)


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Асексуалните хора са онези, които не изпитват влечение към нито един от половете. Учените изследват тяхната сексуалност наравно с хетеросексуалността, хомосексуалността и бисексуалността, но не я разграничават като отделна ориентация.

rough translation

Asexual people are those who feel no attraction to either sex. Scientists explore their sexuality par with heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality, but did not recognized as a separate orientation.
Briton Robin Diban told the The Daily Telegraph, that is people who do not like either one sex.
"I grew up in a small town - Dorset, UK. My classmates constantly met, kissed, we had sex. I stayed away from it all. I began to understand that something is wrong. Clearly distinguished from their peers, but I could not explain it. If it was not the Internet, and perhaps will never know what happens. Every time I tried to talk to me about something personal, I changed the subject. After much surfing finally found the answer to my questions. I'm asexual.
The problem is not that I can not have sex. Just do not want. I am not fond of flirting or porn. At the same moment when I realized this, I felt like I removed a burden from their shoulders.
I met very interesting to me a group of people. These are: Asexuality Visibility and Education Network or Aven. There I met with Tom and Steve. They are like me, have no interest in men and women, but love to spend time with nice people without sexual commitment. We decided to start a project that is for people like us to call it a Piece of Ace. This helped me to deepen over my asexuality. Already we have recorded 15 episodes and have received many letters from people from different parts of the world. For them, the project has caused us to understand that to this point and they did not know what was happening to them.
Friends helped me realize what I am. One of them is gay, I knew from school. He told me that after my confession, communicating with me has become more enjoyable. But others should be treated. There are those who are convinced that I am a homosexual. They have been asked whether they were tormenting me on my childhood, something that provoked my current lack of interest in sex.
With friends it was easy. It was hard to share his secret with my parents. My brother was very interested and sympathetic understanding. Parents also supported me, but worried and they have guilt. According to my father, I have a hormonal problem, and my grandfather was afraid that I am a member of some sect.
I tried to explain that this is actually a natural thing. In one of the episodes of "House MD" asexuality is considered a hormonal imbalance. This is not the only example, when people just do not understand the case. Many people ask me if I'm a virgin. Others began to tell me about your sex life.
People do not realize how the pros can have asexuality. Never have genital infection. Women do not worry about me, I can not even travel with the girl and to sleep in a room with him. Many think that this is just a stage of my life, or something that to me is wrong. But in fact the only difference between me and other people is that I have no relation to sex, and they have.

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