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I've read through the #asexualproblems thread quite a bit, and I just started this tag on tumblr, so I thought I'd ask you guys for some! The one I posted on tumblr was:

Pros of being Asexual:

I will never be murdered by a serial killer who seduces women just to take them back to his place to... MURDER THEM.


Your turn :)

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I know all romantic comedies/chick flicks and Twilight Clones are lies and not what I would really want(or anyone would want) in a relationship. Thus I'm much more grounded with love.

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Lesser risk/no risk at all of getting STDs woooot! #prosofbeingasexual

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I can walk through an art museum and see nothing sexual whatsoever in the naked paintings and sculptures - art is art, not biology. #Prosofbeingasexual

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All the clones from budding! You get so much work done with so many helping hands! #prosofasexuality #prosofbeingasexual

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appreciation of aesthetic beauty without any of the clouding sexuality, I can look at her as if she were a pretty painting. #prosofasexuality #prosofbeingasexual

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Aro Ace - I don't get distracted from school/work/hobbies by being in a relationship or oogling over any female that walks by or any crush I have.....I have too many other/better things to do!

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Being able to enjoy non-sexual physical intimacy/touch is, in my opinion, one of the best things of being asexual. ^^

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I don't need to worry about accommodating another person's needs when all I want to do is read. #prosofbeingsingle

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Being the fly on the wall with relationships and being able to look at friends' relationships in an unbiased manor when they ask for advise.

Not having dating drama.

#prosofbeingasexual #prosofbeingaromantic #why_don't_people_use_underscore_to_make_it_readable

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The Cakemeister


Because it started on twitter (I'm ~95% sure about that), and tweets have a character limit. #whyDontYouTryCamelCase

Being able to keep my room exactly how I want it, without worrying that someone I'm interested in would be turned away by the mild mess. (interestingly, I clean other people's rooms/things, but mine is a bit of a mess) #prosOfBeingAsexual

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Never having to worry about relationship drama. Never having to worry about getting involved in a sex scandal if I became famous and publicly asexual. Never having to worry about the needs of any one person more than you are already worrying about. Always having an excellent and somewhat hilarious response if people accuse me of anything sexual in nature.

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Wandering Ace

I can be "just friends" with girls, and being friendzoned is a desirable outcome.


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Feeling absolutely no pressure to have a relationship aka sharing bathroom/shower time. Feeling no pressure to impress women (or men) at all.

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Long periods of time without sex is wonderful and not a dreaded "dry spell".

Don't have to have sex with strangers to relieve myself.

Don't have to have sex with friends and ruin a good friendship.

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Not having to go through the financial hardships normally associated with dating and/or trying to convince people to have sex with me.

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Because tooth decay is a disease transmitted by kissing.

Speaking of that, most diseases can be transmitted through kissing. Diseases like Ebola, Mononucleosis, and Hepatitis B! Aren't you glad that you're asexual now?

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not thinking its awkward when you and a bunch of opposite gendered people are staying in a hotel room together for a few days.

not having to find time alone for yourself (masturbate) when your hanging out with a bunch of people for several days. while they all complain you're perfectly happy.

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not thinking its awkward when you and a bunch of opposite gendered people are staying in a hotel room together for a few days.

not having to find time alone for yourself (masturbate) when your hanging out with a bunch of people for several days. while they all complain you're perfectly happy.

Now that first part? I've not thought about it that way before, but it's so true. Best thing about going to a con is sharing a room with other people.

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. . .but there are sounds

I don't want to shut this thread down, but I am concerned that it might develop along elitist lines. With that in mind, I request that you take care not to make any claims of asexual superiority. I am not saying that anyone has done so as yet; I want to prevent it from happening.

Thank you,

. . .but there are sounds,

Asexual Musings and Rantings Moderator

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I can be "just friends" with girls, and being friendzoned is a desirable outcome.


I was going to say the same thing, but with the genders switched! :)

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I don't want to shut this thread down, but I am concerned that it might develop along elitist lines. With that in mind, I request that you take care not to make any claims of asexual superiority. I am not saying that anyone has done so as yet; I want to prevent it from happening.

Thank you,

. . .but there are sounds,

Asexual Musings and Rantings Moderator

I didn't mean for that, I would never claim asexuality as superior to any sexuality. There are good things and bad things about it, the goal of starting this thread was to point out the good, since there's already one for the bad. I'm sorry if it sounds like it might go wrong, since it was just kind of a joke (not being seduced by a serial killer) to begin with :(


If someone asks us if we're plants just to be obnoxious, then we can say something along the lines of "Yes, and you're welcome for the oxygen you're currently breathing!" :p (though if they're honestly confused as to whether or not you're a plant you should probably try to explain it? I'm not sure about that situation, please let me know if it comes up)

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Because tooth decay is a disease transmitted by kissing.

Speaking of that, most diseases can be transmitted through kissing. Diseases like Ebola, Mononucleosis, and Hepatitis B! Aren't you glad that you're asexual now?

I don't associate kissing with sex.

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Being able to stay out of the extremely confusing teenage relationship drama to focus more on being a successful teenager. #ProsofBeingAsexual

Although, I have one friend who is taking an entire extra class and has a boyfriend, and another asexual friend who has a boyfriend and both are really good students. I have no idea how they do that, I personally have enough on my mind already with the little bit of teenage friend drama I have to be involved with.

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