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Philadelphia KYW story w/ Cate and Avenguy in Chicago...


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Seems identical to me...


2013 Mod Edit: The above link doesn't work anymore, but the article can be found here. For future reference:

No Sex? No Problem!
Growing Number Of Americans Proudly Announcing Their Asexuality

Mary Ann Childers

(CBS) CHICAGO A growing number of Americans are proudly announcing -- no sex, no problem. As Medical Editor Mary Ann Childers reports, they're openly discussing their lifestyle choice.

David Jay considers himself an average guy.

"I go to my work everyday, I like to workout, I've got a whole slew of friends," Jay said.

Victory Glancy says she's just a normal girl and excited about her new boyfriend.

"We're incredibly mushy and obnoxious, and we drive all our friends crazy," Glancy said.

But this is a budding relationship with a difference. Glancy has no interest in have sex. Ever. Jay feels the same way.

Both are part of a growing number of people publicly declaring themselves asexual. Jay even started an online discussion forum: the Asexual Visibility and Education Network, or AVEN.

"People started pouring in from all over the world with similar experiences saying, you know, I'm not interested in sexuality; I don't experience sexual attraction," Jay said.

Experts say the causes of asexuality are not really known.

"We haven't had any serious empirical or scientific investigation of people with this claim," said Edward Laumann, human sexuality expert.

The University of Chicago�s Laumann says it's important to rule out medical reason for a lack of sexual desire or deep-rooted emotional issues.

�There are plenty of reasons why people become uninterested in sex. They can have a bad love affair. They could have been treated badly," Laumann said.

But both Glancy and Jay say they're "normal," and happy with their lives.

"There's a lot more to life than sexuality," she said.

For more information:

Edward Laumann
Human Sexuality Expert
University of Chicago

(© MMV, CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

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Cate Perfect

Yeah, a station in Miami made it then syndicated it out to around 100 cities--those cities then decide if and when they'll run them. So they'll run at different times in different cities. Good to know, though. We might be seeing an influx of new members from Chi-town now.


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