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Asexuality featured on TV show Sirens.


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d) why not? I like her name :D

Well, if we named a character Hinduism, or Taoism, or Islam, wouldn't that be weird? Voodoo is no different... it's not a name of a person, it's a religion/culture that has a lot of stigma against it. So that's why I'm not overly fond of the idea of a character being named Voodoo.

Other than that, I love all yer guys' feedback. I also like the fact she's not super into the MOGAI community or raising awareness... fights against stereotypes. I also suspect they did that because it's less threatening to the viewer (which people assume is heteronormative). An educated person who advocates for equality and visability is threatening to many people, at least, IMO.

But yeah, this is a HUGE step forward. Like, just... wow. I still haven't gotten over it.

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I haven't seen the show, but yay! There is an asexual on there :D

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