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  2. Long covid may be a very serious issue, especially since it is still circulating. Again statistics are difficult to find for some reason. "Long" covid is used to refer to a range of conditions from minor, like a lingering cough, to catastrophic debilitation. I find it surprising that the US with the largest and most expensive healthcare system in the world, seems to have done far worse with respect to covid than countries that spend far less pre person on healtcare like India.
  3. Phalena

    Have you ever had a birthday party for your pet?

    No. That seems odd to be honest. A pet doesn't even realise whythat particular day is different than the rest.
  4. The problem was that during covid people were working less and borrowing money (govt was borrowing) to maintain their standard of living. Trading off less work for less money is sometimes an option, but not one that many people take. (I know that below some income level people can no longer afforded necessities - but I'm talking about people who have income left for entertainment.)
  5. chronicallypessimistic

    Name A Movie That Starts With The Last Letter Of The Last Movie Named

  6. chronicallypessimistic

    Word association game

  7. chronicallypessimistic

    One random word in Alphabetical order

  8. chronicallypessimistic

    True or False

    True. I sadly only own two pet fishes, but I am hoping to get a cat one day. Perhaps two actually. TPBM pours their milk in before their cereal.
  9. Yes I saw that and have mixed feelings. On the very positive side, I think getting the public more aware that sex is not at the center of all love and marriage is a good and important thing. But then there was the paragraph: "Sometimes they shower together and hold each other naked, without any expectation of sex. Though Will remains hopeful that these moments will lead to something else, he doesn’t push it." To me that is not a happy low sex marriage, its a marriage with mismatched sex drives where one person has given up. Since I'm in that situation, I know just how deepl
  10. chronicallypessimistic

    Yum or Yuck!

    Yuck, yuck and more yuck. I absolutely hate licorice and pray that I never have to try it again. Pineapples on pizza?
  11. ElloryJaye

    Have you ever had a birthday party for your pet?

    I don't think I've ever had a pet whose birthday I knew.
  12. Today
  13. Karret

    Asexual ally

    No problem! [: ❤️
  14. MLBFAN

    Asexual ally

    Thank you both!
  15. dragons_and_cake

    Teen Corner

    Looks hilarious! If we’re sharing videos (which we aren’t technically but I wanted to share this), let me suggest: [SPOILERS for TOH S2E20 (Clouds on the Horizon)]
  16. chronicallypessimistic

    Have you ever had a birthday party for your pet?

    I only have pet fishes, so uh, can't really celebrate their birthdays in any way except for extra fish flakes for dinner
  17. Karret

    Asexual ally

    I'll chime in with a haven't you people ever heard of-- 1. To be fair, I was always open about not wanting to date or have sex, I just never had a word for it until I was 19, so I was technically always out, just without the verbiage for it. I'd say believing them when they're saying that they're ace and that they're not interested in [depending on where on the spectrum they fall] stuff like dating or sex etc. Unless they specifically mention wanting children, probably don't pester them about grandchildren/nieces/nephews etc... I'm an ace that doesn't mind sex talk stuff, but it co
  18. Pack-rat

    Autosuggest the Blanks: I Want Your ___ in My ___.

    I want your help in my heart.
  19. Where did I assume “every ACE person knows they’re ACE” and that they’re “being hurtful on purpose?” That’s not at all what I said. On the other hand, in my situation, he does know full well, and has known for a few years. I’m not spreading any narratives, just pleading that if you know, to not hide it.
  20. Pack-rat


    Happy National velociraptor awareness day.

    1. chronicallypessimistic


      You celebrate the most peculiar and random national or international days ever...but happy national Velociraptor Awareness Day I suppose.

  21. I had a neighbour who died of covid. In her 60s, lively and friendly person who had just retired. Some people think the "in her 60s" part is enough to shrug this off. I know a couple people who work for my employer died of it too. Then I have multiple friends in their 30s who have debilitating long covid, and know of more through work. And I have immunocompromised friends who have felt unable to take part in society for years now because they can't trust people or institutions to care enough. It doesn't just kill off old or sick people 30 seconds sooner.
  22. soong_type_freak

    Yum or Yuck!

    yum. licorice candy.
  23. soong_type_freak

    Autosuggest the Blanks: I Want Your ___ in My ___.

    i want your day in my heart.
  24. soong_type_freak

    True or False

    false. tpbm wants to own a pet (or more pets).
  25. soong_type_freak

    One random word in Alphabetical order

  26. soong_type_freak

    Word association game

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