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  1. Past hour
  2. I identify as a grayace lesbian and I have a very important question. Is it sexual attraction if I like to masturbate to pornographic pictures? They don’t usually included faces but I’m extremely worried that this means I’m not ace and the entire time I’ve identified with it I wasn’t because of this alone. I don’t think I’ve ever had sexual attraction to someone in real life (maybe once I’m not sure) but the only other like two times were celebrities. I know that I can feel sexual attraction to women but I don’t get it very frequently as I’ve stated. I don’t think it is because of
  3. everywhere and nowhere

    Microlabels a better explanation?

    I have read too - although these were things written in a more culture-oriented, not biology-oriented way (for example Jacques Lacan), that sex is an inherently disgusting process, and only love and attraction make it into something bearable or even appealing. And to me too, my first childhood reaction, when I learned how does sex work, was one of disgust (and reinforcing my already made decision not to have children... or rather a relief: so I finally knew what exactly I shouldn't do if I don't want to get pregnant... and I instinctively thought: oh, avoiding that is no problem). So yes, for
  4. chronicallypessimistic

    Would You Rather? Ace Edition

    With an actor from the movie...the majority of my favourite movies are animated, so the only actors are the voice actors. I would probably fangirl over the va throughout the movie though...oops. Would you rather be forced to sing or dance along to every single song that you hear?
  5. anxiousace-spec

    Questions about masturbating?

    (This is posted on a different sub form)
  6. Anomaly Q3Xr

    Word association game

  7. Anomaly Q3Xr

    One random word in Alphabetical order

  8. chronicallypessimistic

    Translate the word above into your language.

    Cậu bé nói: "Đừng triệu tập Cthulhu! Bạn biết mẹ đã nói gì lần trước khi ông ấy phá hủy thị trấn." (Vietnamese, and Cthulhu is actually the name of a Persona in, well, Persona lol) The flow of time is fixed at a certain speed, and yet it seems there are moments when it passes so quickly.
  9. chronicallypessimistic

    One random word in Alphabetical order

  10. chronicallypessimistic

    Word association game

  11. chronicallypessimistic

    True or False

    True...but I often swear when I'm alone and not when I'm in public/with friends or family. TPBM is introverted.
  12. soong_type_freak

    Word association game

  13. soong_type_freak

    One random word in Alphabetical order

  14. allhailtheglowcloud owns a jet-powered Ford Transit.
  15. chronicallypessimistic

    How high can we count?

  16. chronicallypessimistic

    One random word in Alphabetical order

  17. chronicallypessimistic

    Word association game

  18. soong_type_freak

    For 20-somethings getting their feet off the ground

    it was fine, i think.. i made my mom watch deep space nine and she liked it. what bout you? oh, that's cool! another trekkie. i liked Garak to the point of getting a new hyperfixation along with Data and Lore. we have something in common cuz we're both exiled (him from Cardassia, me from my family) and we both tell stories which are all true, especially the lies. (lol that's an accurate way to describe my stories though). who is your fave trek character and why? in case if i overshare.. i didn't mean to.
  19. chronicallypessimistic

    Name A Movie That Starts With The Last Letter Of The Last Movie Named

    Dirty Dancing
  20. Ksenia

    Microlabels a better explanation?

    I think all people since childhood have sexual aversion. It is default reaction, but in puberty due to sexual attraction this aversion is weakened due to sexual attraction. So, I think the lack of sexual attraction is the cause of some preserved sexual aversion. Sexual aversion is in fact genetic reaction, it is related to the immunity and behavior immune system. Allosexual people have strong directed sexual attraction and the flow of sexuality can break through the wall of behavior immune system and related sex aversion. Also asexuals can have stronger behavior immune system. By the way, I al
  21. allhailtheglowcloud

    Blatant lie or rumour about the person above you game

    Pack-rat has the world's second largest collection of pogo sticks and is still salty about being beaten by Kimi_gata
  22. Today
  23. Anomaly Q3Xr

    New member

    Hey, and welcome to AVEN
  24. Anomaly Q3Xr

    Word association game

  25. Anomaly Q3Xr

    Name A Movie That Starts With The Last Letter Of The Last Movie Named

    Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.
  26. chronicallypessimistic

    Quickly, Before They See!

  27. chronicallypessimistic

    Microlabels a better explanation?

    I feel exactly the same way as you. For me, personally, I fantasise about sexual scenarios, read smutty fanfiction and read webtoons/doujins/manhwa that involve fictional of-age characters, but never myself. I find that I'm pretty much incapable of imagining myself in those situations, or even simply naked without a reason (or with a reason lol, either way). I couldn't even if I tried. I guess it's also from insecurities and disgust in thinking of myself or other people irl in that way...?
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