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  2. nickolekuebler

    How not to answer a newbie

    23 what is the 23rd flavor in dr. pepper?
  3. daveb

    How not to answer a newbie

    First we have to have a defdeb - what comes under the light bulb spectrum? How many roads must a man walk down?
  4. nickolekuebler

    Doughnut Poll

    For the most part I will refrain from eating them because I am diabetic, the last thing I need is to eat the giant sugar pill. but on that same note if I am expecting to eat it anyways and have already taken some insulin to counteract the affects I would go for a custard filled or jelly filled.
  5. Agree with above, people's experience of sex seems to be greatly varied, and even for the same person, sex may be a very different experience in different situations. I think that for most people, sex involves more than just the physical stimulation, that the interaction with their partner is an important part. Various forms of sex play, fantasy, including BDSM and role playing as you mention above, are even more complicated. Despite having both exotic fantasies, and enjoying (if I had the option) some non-traditional sexual activities, I can't really say *why*. Som
  6. Fishandplants

    Trying to understand reasons for sex

    Hello, asexual here. By sex, I think you are referring to partnered sex. I have no answer for you, because I do not understand it. I have been intrigued why people do it, and I have watched how people behave around it with a lot of interest over the years from real life context to love scenes in a movie etc. I have so far concluded that I am never going to understand it - and I am okay with that. So I am just here for moral support. I hope you will provoke some good discussion from this.
  7. Phalena

    Have you ever had a birthday party for your pet?

    That makes sense, I think. Every occasion to celebrate is a reason to have a good time with the people we like.
  8. daveb

    Doughnut Poll

    Maybe one with chocolate frosting or a jelly donut or one with lemon filling.
  9. Kimi_gata

    What is your MBTI type?

  10. For the first part, are you happy having sex when he wants it? That is something only you can know. Is he happy with your sex life? Some men are happy to simply have a wiling partner, for others being sexually desired in return is important. I guess the key is whether you can both be happy with your sex life as it is. As far as his wandering eye though - that isn't common. Many men, myself included, are aware of beautiful women in the vicinity, but don't stare at them or anything. Really though consider your last statement: "And then I ask myself, do I reall
  11. chronicallypessimistic

    Yum or Yuck!

    Yum! Dark roast coffee?
  12. chronicallypessimistic

    How high can we count?

  13. chronicallypessimistic

    Word association game

  14. chronicallypessimistic

    The characters in alphabetical order game

    Wakaba Isshiki - Persona 5
  15. chronicallypessimistic

    One random word in Alphabetical order

  16. chronicallypessimistic

    Tag the person above you

  17. Gloomy

    Have you ever had a birthday party for your pet?

    Sometimes I buy them extra toys or treats if I remember, I don’t have a full on party thought. My older cat’s birthday is estimated anyway since the animal rescue I adopted him from didn’t know exactly when he was born.
  18. TheMostColorfullBlobs

    Teen Corner

    I’m glad someone watched it also hello goose, how are you?
  19. I was replying to your statement that no one would know how to love until they'd tried it a couple of times.
  20. Sally

    Doughnut Poll

    chocolate covered with coconut on it
  21. Today
  22. I don't think I've noticed any serious uptick in these kinds of comments in my bubble. I'd say I heard a lot more vocal downplaying and whatnot during the later lockdowns than I do now. Now, I mostly hear sort of passing comments of lockdown times. It has almost become a quip, and I wouldn't say as something to play it down, but almost as a remembrance of it, a way to acknowledge. I think some of the nostalgia comes from unequal experiences of the pandemic and lockdowns. I know my one friend, while being very cautious about covid, felt she was doing better during the lockdowns tha
  23. My birthday isn't really that much of a significant day to me. It's just the day when my family goes over to my place and brings cake (!!) and presents. I mean, of course, I appreciate that, but I don't really feel signiciantly happier on my birthday, at least I don't think so. I never have birthday parties because there really isn't a point in them. I have basically three close offline friends that I actually trust and have respect for and I don't really know what we'd even do at my party. I'm also not a party person. My favourite way to spend my birthday is to play a Persona game
  24. ...anyway, birthdays are for losers. No cool people have birthdays anymore.
  25. I don't think birthdays have felt any happier for me than other days. I don't really see value in making a calendar day significant, where there's an obligation to make it better than other days, instead of things beautifully falling into place. Sometimes (most of the time, I'd say) the best experiences and memories are simply serendipitous, without any tie to the day of the year (with some exceptions, of course, like reaching 69,420 posts on June 9th at 4:20 pm).
  26. Lord Jade Cross

    Trying to understand reasons for sex

    Sex can be very different for everyone. There is no way to isolate one reason and have it be the universal reason behind sex. Im asexual as well, and I have a knack of keeping track of other peoples reasonings and trust me, even that did not provide the answer I thought it would.
  27. You're still intrinsically desiring it, so not really. Plus, all that is still basically among the reasons why sexual people have/desire sex anyway.
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