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    Happy scream day everyone.:P

  5. aroace potato

    you know what would be really funny?

    That is exactly what I meant when I said it would be funny, it wasn't supposed to be a ploy to assert ace dominance
  6. I'm sorry that you're struggling with that, I do really hope you'll be able to find some sort of solution or figure out what's best for you. All that is entirely fair and is a bit why I wanted to get some pointers on what to talk about the next time I talk to them about this. If it helps with the understanding of the situation this is my first ever long term relationship (first official one in general tbh) but this isn't their first long term relationship (they've dated multiple people in the past) and I'm the first ace person they've ever dated. I would love if things worked out but it just s
  7. Leogun

    New here and not sure

    Hi I am a 32 year old man. I had no romantic/sexual/even close to either relationships in more than twelve years but recently got into a romantic relationship, we were intimate too. Feelings were strong and we connected but I got anxiety from it. Also no appetite, lost a lot of weight, but I had some to lose. Contacted nearby medical facility (A swedish "Vårdcentral") for therapy given anxiety is generally not that nice, and mom is willing to sponsor more therapy too after that, have not gotten a time yet, its all very recent. I told them I needed to do this soul searching and
  8. Communication is important but, like Sally said, it doesn't erase the problem. Communication just helps to tell what you both can do and, if the incompatibility is too big, to decide to stop before it becomes impossible. Each partner must know what they want, what they need, what they expect about this relationship. Very precisely. Because nothing will become easier with time. If the sexual partner wants sex, or needs to feel desired, wanted, it will never disappear. The ace partner must know what they can accept, what their boundaries are, if any physical touch is possible or not, et
  9. Sarah-Sylvia

    Hi There! Attracted to clothes, not persons

    Hi 🍰 Could maybe fit the ace spectrum... though you did say you like to play with men and I assume that's sexual? Would you see being interested in someone as a person (liking them for who they are or how you bond together) to be close intimately? (more than friends)
  10. Today
  11. Skycaptain

    The Banning Game!

    Banned for leaving them in the flower bed and saying they're pot plants
  12. Hi all, My name is Dominic [M], 34 years old and living in the Netherlands. Recently (yesterday) I've stumbled upon this website and decided today to register. I'll shortly share my story. As a boy, I always remembered that I was attracted to tight skinny jeans. Mostly girls, because girls are the ones who wear them mostly, but sometimes boys also when the jeans were really tight. When the puberty hit, I was never interested in casual sex. I was never interested in sex at all, to be honest. All I was focused on, was the jeans. When
  13. I'm sorry you've had some struggles in your relationship, I hope you can figure something out that'll work best for both of you! I'm honestly rather worried about if we commit to the long term we'll have the same issues of it falling one way or the other or being a lingering issue that doesn't have a clear resolution. For being happy would it be frequently talking on the manner to make sure the other is content with how things currently are? Another thing and this is a personal question so feel free to completely ignore this/not answer, I ask this for more so for wanting to understand the othe
  14. It's good it seems you have a way of still working together despite the differences! So it's evaluating your own stance/interest, communicating that, and trying to find a solution that seems reasonable for both parties? I guess in my case it might help if we have a really indepth discussion since we have a general idea of what the other wants or may prefer but might not know the exact stance. Right now my biggest factor and why I'm really trying to see how people communicate about these topics is I'm unsure of my own preferences which makes it hard to communicate at times about the long term s
  15. Ashmedai

    Goofy nutrition labels

    Not exactly a nutritional label but it did remind me one time while doing grocery shopping, I read the back of a deodourant can and it said "Chocolate fragranced, do not eat."
  16. daveb

    anyone past 50 on here?

    oops I like the term, nibling. (not to be confused with Nibelung even though both can be little people) Pretty flowers!
  17. allhailtheglowcloud

    How not to answer a newbie

    Science is an elaborate prank created by the world government and maintained by a secret order who want us to believe in things such as "penguins" and "mountains". Don't trust it, and remember that the earth is a tetrahedron shape. How do I delete my account?
  18. Autumn ace

    The characters in alphabetical order game

    Nia Nal - Supergirl
  19. Autumn ace

    Quickly, Before They See!

  20. chronicallypessimistic

    Alphabetical "Better than sex" game

    Whales are BTS.
  21. blunose2772

    Interview the person below you

    1. Seen? No. Heard? Yes. I was at a museum dedicated to Winston Chruchill and at one area they had a roped off recreation of his office. I touched the rope and felt a cold shiver up and down my spine then I heard a voice I didn't recognize talking. Couldn't understand what was being said though. 2. A couple weeks ago I was at a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game. It was a sunny day, not a clous in the sky yet one of the skyscrapers about half a mile away looked fuzzy like a blurred picture. None of the buildings around it looked like that. Just last night I was at another game sitt
  22. Sister Mercurial

    Chain Game – Geography

    Nijmegen, Netherlands.
  23. Sister Mercurial

    Word association game

  24. Sister Mercurial

    One random word in Alphabetical order

  25. Sister Mercurial

    Alphabet Song Titles

    Phat Mackerel - The Omnific.
  26. Sister Mercurial

    Coffee and a Lack of Empathy (game)

    Remember that one way to achieve lasting fame is to get something named after you. I got a new battery for my smoke alarm because it needed one, but now it goes off a few minutes after I put the battery in, even when there's no smoke.
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