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Johnny Weir Is a Superhero

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This doesn't entirely fit in this subforum, but I guess it's the closest I can get without having to put it in Off-A.

Ladies, gentlemen, transyadas: I present you the wonderfulness that is Johnny Weir's theory of everything. I haven't read the entire profile yet, but the bits quoted on Feministing drip with pure, undiluted awesome, especially this:

My sexuality is not something I’m ashamed of. It’s not something I’m not sure of, it’s just that I have a very specific opinion of what sexuality is. For me, sexuality is sex. You can be heterosexual or homosexual with sex but be completely opposite with the relationship aspect of it. The two can go hand in hand, but they don’t have to. So, while someone can enjoy having sex with women, they could be totally happy marrying one of their bros. … I’m not saying I’m gay, bisexual, multisexual, transsexual. I’m just me. And tomorrow if I want to marry a man, I’ll marry a man. If I want to marry a woman, I’ll marry a woman. It’s not categorizing. It’s not a box.

(http://feministing.com/2010/08/19/johnny-weir-on-the-difference-between-gender-and-sexuality/ + http://nymag.com/fashion/10/fall/67510/)

Did he just casually mention the idea of a person having different sexual and romantic orientations? Awesome. Did he then calmly refuse to label himself while not making it into a show of "look, look how different I am"? Double awesome. The guy's a superhero if you ask me... and he'd make a great transyada. (What?)

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I didn't know him, but now I'm an instant fan!

And yes, absolutely, he'd make a terrific yada. Let's invite him over, shan't we?

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Ditto on the not knowings, but from that snippet he seems like an awesome guy!

Just looked him and now I remember who he is. he was one of my faves during the Olympics.

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Wowmygod, have you checked his style?!





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asexual cake

During Olympics season it was suggested by some sports commentator in Quebec that he should be subjected to a sex test (as apparently he's too femme for their delicate manly sensibilities) and his response was fantastic (and you can watch it here).

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Good on him! I agree we should send him an invite, no matter his sexual orientation (or romantic one) cause that sounds like he'd have interesting stuff to say, contribute and discuss with people here.

Can I just ask though, what does transyadas mean? I've seen it a few times now but...

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I agree, this is awesome. I wish more people would be so unapologetic about who they are.

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I love Weir! He deserved a metal in the Olympics, he was robbed.

Litterally, if he wasn't so flamboyant, he probably would of gotten silver.

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Oh, I have that article open in front of me now, in fact! He is pretty fantastic, yeah.

Transyada, I believe, comes from the TransWhatever thread in this very Gender Discussion Thread. (Instead of whatever, it's yada). And a transwhatever are those biological men/women/intersex who identify as another gender outside the men/women binary split. One of the actual thread members can probably correct me, I hope, if I'm wrong/being offensive.

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asexual cake

Transyada, I believe, comes from the TransWhatever thread in this very Gender Discussion Thread. (Instead of whatever, it's yada). And a transwhatever are those biological men/women/intersex who identify as another gender outside the men/women binary split. One of the actual thread members can probably correct me, I hope, if I'm wrong/being offensive.

No, indeed, my good Dumbledear, you are correct.

Once upon a time about a month ago a_bi_sexual posted a thread in the Gender Discussion forum asking about the experiences of AVEN's transmen during high school. The transladies of AVEN responded by making their own thread (the T-Girls of AVEN), and then a_bi_sexual noticed that there was still no congregating place for those who slip through the cracks, and thus created the TransWhatevers thread for all those left over, so that we may get together and take over the worldhave polite conversation. In a discussion with our own Percy McKean, I once asked for their preferred pronouns, and they said that I could use whatever I like - including "yada." Remembering this conversation, near the beginning of the thread I referred to Percy as "yadathem," to which they responded that they had been afraid for a moment that it would become the TransYada thread, to which our own Monsieur P said that he rather liked "transyada," and then it was adopted as our official title.

And such is the creation story of "transyada."

(so, yes, a transyada is someone who is in some way transgender, through incongruence between identity and sex, but who does not fit firmly on either side of the male/female binary, if indeed they fit on the binary at all)

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Ahhh, that makes sense.

And I agree Johnny was robbed of a better position. I was watching it live, stayed up very late even though I'm not a big skating fan - and he did so much better than many who got higher marks.

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During Olympics season it was suggested by some sports commentator in Quebec that he should be subjected to a sex test (as apparently he's too femme for their delicate manly sensibilities) and his response was fantastic (and you can watch it here).

Ooh, I've read about his response, but I haven't actually seen it until now. He handled it so beautifully! I loved how he didn't seem personally offended and didn't care for an apology, but wanted the commentators to think about how their words might make people similar to Johnny feel.

I'm amazed every time I read or hear what he says about personal identity: you don't have to be what others want you to be, you don't have to fit in any box, just be your fantastic self. It's so nice for someone to use the worn and clichéd "be yourself" message and mean it.

Was his show aired in the end? Wikipedia has one sentence about it saying that it was supposed to air in "early 2010", but nothing more.

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Professor T. Pollution

Ah, Johnny Weir. I remember watching him skate with a grin on my face, because he's just so singularly beautiful (inside and out). That interview is fantastic, Pugnacioun, and so are those pictures. He's very pretty...

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I feel a bit guilty about how much IK love Johnny Weir because I would love to appreciate him for what he is most proud of and is first and foremost: a fantastic athlete. But to be honest, I know next to nothing about figure-skating and I just love his style and his statements about sexuality and gender.

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Professor Godric

Johnny Weir is amazing. I love his voice. He's such an amazing skater, and he's so articulate and composed as well. He really is a good role model, which is somewhat rare amongst people in the public.

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Amputation Defenestration

I absolutely love him. :) And only a few of the many reasons are mentioned in this thread.

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Johnny Weir! Johnny Weir. He's so pretty, and I think he handles himself really well.

I once accidentally saved a picture of him as "johnny weird." My fingers were just used to writing the 'd' at the end, but I bet people have called him that to mock him.

The point at which I really started to like him was when I found out he collects Cheburashka memorabilia.

gratuitous picture:


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I love everything about Johnny Weir. There's not really much left to be said about his off-ice personality, but I could definitely wax poetic about the fluidity and strength of his triple axels and the unrivaled grace of his step sequences. When he gets on the ice, he really seems to connect with you and let you experience the story he's telling through him.

And that's the extent of my fansquishing right now, because I could totally go on forever.

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OMG, I love this.

I sometimes post pics of Johnny Weir and say they are pics of CaleCaesar. :blush:


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Johnny Weir is a hero of mine, both for his skating and his personality. As a skater myself, watching him move on the ice is a reminder that it's possible to skate like that, and listening to his interviews and watching his tv show and documentary have made me appreciate him as a person.

Rock the tassel Johnny. We love you. :lol:

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Wowmygod, have you checked his style?!





I used to love to watch Johnny skate, back when I was in junior high and skated myself. He was kind of an idol. And DAMN is he asexy!

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Anyone seen his exhibition program to Poker Face? It's pretty epic. And fairly in your face about flouting gender perceptions, even for Johnny.

Attached for your convenience and because I want someone else to talk to about it:

One of my best friends is a huge figure skating fan and told me this had happened but somehow I never saw the video until now. Oh gosh. I almost can't believe he got away with that.

Although if I were in a bad mood it might threaten to bring me out in conniptions about how, if a female figure skater even attempted to be so genderqueer, Ottavio Cinquanta would change the rules immediately so that she'd never be allowed to do it ever again...

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