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Community Link Forum

If you are enjoying AVEN, come check out some of the other communities discussing asexuality and related interests.

The links below are to communities not officially affiliated with AVEN. AVEN and its ownership do not take any responsibility for the content hosted on these sites.

If you are interested in having your site added to the list here, please check >>this thread<< for more information.


  1. Asexual Awareness Week   (142757 visits to this link)

    AAW is an international campaign that promotes information and education about asexual, aromantic, demisexual, and grey-asexual experiences and the creation of materials that are accessible to asexual-spectrum people and allies in every country.

  2. Asexuality Archive   (124583 visits to this link)

    A collection of all things Ace. The intention is to provide information that is approachable and informative, whether or not you’re asexual

  3. Asexuality on Livejournal   (118611 visits to this link)

    A sex-positive community for asexual people to discuss living without sexuality, and their allies

  4. Demi Grace   (126293 visits to this link)

    A forum home for demisexuals, grey-asexuals, and allies

  5. Demisexuality Resource Center   (94028 visits to this link)

    Resources for demisexuals, partners, and allies

  6. Freedom Requires Wings   (116100 visits to this link)

    FRW is a LGBTQ opinion collaborative blog with a large group of asexual writers

  7. The Asexual Story Project   (96751 visits to this link)

    A space where anyone who is asexual or somewhere one the ace spectrum can share their personal stories about being asexual, coming out, relationships and any other experiences. Submit your own!

  8. Trans Yada   (125511 visits to this link)

    A forum for gender beyond the binary

  9. Aces&Aros   (79213 visits to this link)

    Aces and Aros are a resource to find local groups and communities. 

  10. AUREA   (79137 visits to this link)

    AUREA (Aromantic-Spectrum Union For Recognition, Education and Advocacy) are a resource and org for Aromanticism 

  11. Arocalypse   (80179 visits to this link)

    Arocalypse is a forum for Aromanticism 

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