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Spock Jr's MOM here. (Gasp!)


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OK, OK, I've been "advised" via PM, that I should introduce myself. So, I'd better do so, since I don't seem to be able to hang around unobtusively and demurely. (Qui? ----> MOI<----?????)

As a few of you know (only too well, hehehehe...) I am SpockJr's Mom. Hence the generic name...

I had my cardiovascular system tested by Sonny yesterday, when I casually strolled into a store and picked up the daily newspaper. And there was having a coffee in a coffee shop, flipping the pages, waiting for my morning caffeine buzz, when :shock: There, on one half of the front page was a photo of "my baby", and a full page of type, where he was talking about "Asexuality". I always thought I was sort a "cool mom" because I knew about H sexuality, and L sexuality, and Bi-sexuality. But, I never heard of the A strain! HAHAHAHAHA

(For those of you who haven't seen the article, forgive a Mom for bragging, and saying "Isn't he ADORABLE?" Moms do that. They're so annoying, that way.)

Click here to see the article, including sonny's picture!

Being an old hag though, who (Sonny can tell ya) was around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, (i.e. the 1950's) I seem to remember that a person who chose NOT to sleep with everything that walked on two legs, was simply called A MORAL PERSON. And those who didn't were called PROMISCUOUS?

So, I've got to say, I'm a little lost on what is the big deal here?

Secondly, I myself have never bought the whole myth of "And two shall become one." HA! Not this lady! A man is not a paper towel, who is expected to absorb me, like I'm a nasty spill. I have always remained myself, in every relatonship. And if "he" thought any different, well, he found himself out in the rhubarb patch! Bye Bye, Bud!

So, I've gotta say, if you guys can stand to have me around, PFFT, I've got no problem with any of you! In fact, I am EXTREMELY GRATEFUL that my son found all of you, to support him as he wrestled with this finding of his INDIVIDUALITY. I'm only surprised that it ws such a difficult problem, for him.

For, when it comes right down to it, who's freakin' business is it anyway? I just want my son to be happy. Ain't that every parent's fondest dream?

Love to you all,


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Cate Perfect

Yay! Hi, SpockJr's Moooooom!! :D

*waves frantically*

We all love Spock. And his trollapult.


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Why, we love to have moms around, Mom. They have such great dirt on thier children. And we love hearing the dirt!

If you tell us a really, really embarrasing story, we'll give you :cake:

Okay, okay. We'll probably give you that, anyway, even without a story. But that doesn't mean we don't want to hear one. . . :D

*sits expectantly, waiting for an embarrasing SpockJr story*

(And, by the way, I was the one who edited the URL listing in your post -- it was just too long to fit into a normal window, so I changed it to make it fit. Hope you don't mind. *wields modly powers like Excalibur*)

And, uh, by the way, Spokkie, you didn't mention the picture included naked peoples! :shock: And you were worried about your hair? I would have been all like: excuse me, but I'm afraid those butts are upstaging me, a bit. . . . :lol:

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Hi, Cate!!! A "trollapult"? Sound like one of his invented words. He has done that, (dream up new vernacular) every since he was a wee lad! I remember being err... "instructed" by him, when he was about 3 years old, that the "flickity" sound that a flag makes on a windy day... that was called "flaggle-ing". I thought it was a GREAT word.

So tell me about the "trollapult." Sounds kinda Monty-Python-ish.


Naw, KAW, I don't make it a habit, of embarrassing my son. (Well, not INTENTIONALLY, anyway! hehehehe...) But that's only because he can give back as good as I can dish out! I may be OOOOOLD, but I ain't STOOPID!

Besides, I have WAYYYY too much fun laughing at myself. HAHAHAHAHAHA



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***Mom sits contemplating, digging up for KAW the old story about how Sonny helped me GET RID of a man once, by writing him a long, hilarious letter about "What my Mom is REALLY like."***

***Maybe not. Then I'd embarass KAW, by making him pee his pants in public.***

***But I want that cake***


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Well, a trollapult is kinda' like a catapult, except for trolls instead of cats. :roll:

(Trolls are nasty people who post useless and often nasty junk to a board just because they have nothing better to contribute to society. You had some dealings with a couple of 'em earlier today, I think. . . . Spokkie woulda' put 'em in the trollapult and sent them on their way. As it was, though, Spock wasn't here. So Cate took care of them. And Cate has a slightly different technique which more involves a battle axe than a trollapult. Messier, but now we have ribs to roast tonight! *lights BBQ* *puts troll on a spit* *turns* Slow cooking over an open flame is the key with troll meat. . . .)

And, awwwww! C'mon... You can PM me an embarrassing story. I'll tell everybody on the board -- I mean: I won't! I won't tell everybody on the board. Honest.

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Cate Perfect

'flaggle-ing' ?! I'm SO using that from now on.



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*waves to spockies mom*

Yeah welcome.. it has been a joy having you around :D

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Kate, with absolute sincerity, my son is a most interesting person to talk with in person! His choice of vocabulary is absolutely ELECTRIC!


Ok, KAW, I've thought up a story for you, that won't embarrass Spockie.

Sonny is 8 years old. He's across the street on a swing. This behemothic 16 year old bully DEMANDS that Sonny go home, 'cus he and his friends want the playground to themselves. (16 year olds??? They probably wanted a toke or something.)

I always told my son, that the best way to rise above idiots, is to raise your own I.Q. and baffle the hell out of them.

So my 8 year old wizard looks Matthew dead in the eye and asks "Are your anti-social tendencies due to a malfunctioning pituitary gland?"

Matthew, who was over 6 feet and 200 lbs, runs home and tells his mommy. My son, in the meantime, saunters home.

Knock, Knock, Knock... Open door. Mommy and Matthew are there.

"MY SON" says she "thinks YOUR SON insulted him."

"What? He THINKS? He doesn't KNOW? Just a second... Oh, SONNY, can you come downstairs a minute dear? Matthew wants to talk to you."

Spockie comes down, all cocky as git out... "What did you say to Matthew?"

"Nothing, Mom. I just asked him if his anti-social tendencies were caused by a disfunctional puituitary gland."

Well us two moms were killing ourselves. And of course, it didn't help that Matthew was still standing there dumbfounded saying "C'mon. SOMEBODY tell me. What's that mean?"

Interestingly, Matthew and Spockie became friends after that, because Matthew LIKED how Spockie talks "in big fancy words"!


Now do I get some cake?????



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Cartoonist, Hello again, hon. I am moved to nickname you "toonie". But alas, that's what we Canadian call our two dollar coin. So I don't know if you'd take it as an insult. HAHAHAHAHAHA

(Remembering the first time I went to America, and showed off our ONE dollar coin, and proudly told them "We call it a LOONIE."

"A WHAT? :shock: " they cried...

It didn't help that I was in Anaheim, home of Mickey Mouse of cartoon fame.



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I am not offended.. call me toonie if you want. On the board I have been called toon, cartoony one, car and cart.

Loonie is much better than a dollar.

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More cake? Or more stories? Spocky'll kill me, if I tell too many!

Did he ever tell you about my FAMOUS raspberry-kiwi CHEESECAKE? It takes 3 lbs of cheese, and 3 days to make. But then you can pig out on nothing but cheesecake for the next 3 days!



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more cake? I should have clarified... those dang ambigous phrases

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I love snopes...

I have a whole 7 cents in Canadian coins. 5 cents with the beaver and 2 maple leaf 1 cent coins.

I tend to collect some coinage from differnet places. Most of the time I get it from the stores, where the all brilliant cashiers think it is American coins. :roll:

thanks for the link

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Live R Perfect

Hi Mom! :) Great to have you here.

I very much liked your response to that troll earlier, though I did have to search my dictionary for the meaning of 'anacephalism'... :oops: (actually, Cate beat the dictionary to it :))

So yeah, you rock! :wink:

Where's Spock himself hiding today? Embarrassed? :)

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Toonie, I'd be HONOURED to send you a sample of each coin, if you'd like them. The only problem is, when you get about $20 worth of them in your pocket, IT'S HEAVY. You can always tell a Canadian, because we all have holes in our pockets, from the sheer weight.



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Cate Perfect
Where's Spock himself hiding today? Embarrassed? :)

My guess would be Mom is using his computer. ;)


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To tell the truth, I even surprised myself at my angry reaction, because I was so insulted at having to read such trash. Don't you think they deserved a good talking to from a MOM? Why I almost got out my granny's bar of soap!

(Maybe we should clarify for everyone that "anacephalism" is a peculiar medical condition, where someone is born with NO BRAIN!)

Spock's at work. 'Til 2 a.m. So, since I'm sitting here all by myself, nobody to talk to (sniff, sniff, sob) Thus, I'm inflicting myself on you guys. Getting to know you, and all of that. He's cool with it. He actually ASKED me to join the site. So, here I is...

Boy, I sure hope your name means you enjoy LIVING, and not that ummm... pseudo-"food"... (Not my favourite dinner, can you tell?)



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Toonie, I'd be HONOURED to send you a sample of each coin, if you'd like them. The only problem is, when you get about $20 worth of them in your pocket, IT'S HEAVY. You can always tell a Canadian, because we all have holes in our pockets, from the sheer weight.



I would love that. Unfortunately, I don't think I have anything in return. American coinage is way overrated...

Unless, of course, you would like a drawing.

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"Damaged4 life"

Now there's a name that makes me just want to wrap you all up in a great big boob-squashing (((MOM HUG))).

If you don't need, it, just save it for later. Life always gives us moments, where we could use a spare hug.

Lovely to meet you, dear.


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Toonie, email or PM Spockie or I, and they're yours, hon! Maybe your students would find them cool.

I'd LOVE a drawing! That too would be an honour!



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Sweetie, it ain't the "type" that matters.

It's that creativity comes from your SOUL. That's what would matter to me. I'd have a glimpse of YOU.

And you know what? YOU are valuable and important.

But if that's too mushy, how 'bout I just tell you I'm a purple/blue type. I'd take a Van Gogh or a Monet, over say a (brown/beige) Breughels, any day.



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:lol: I will keep that in mind.

how do you feel about shades of grey?

I am getting ready to move before the end of the year, hopefully before then. I will pm you when I get my new address :shock:

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Guest cases
"Damaged4 life"

Now there's a name that makes me just want to wrap you all up in a great big boob-squashing (((MOM HUG))).

If you don't need, it, just save it for later. Life always gives us moments, where we could use a spare hug.

Lovely to meet you, dear.


:lol: @ boob squashing......

thankyou! I love hugs...

not enough hugs in this world.....I can tell you that!

well Ill take a spare hug too..........I can put it in my car for those lonely nights on the road.....and shoot...if my tire blows up....Ill just give it a hug :D

:) *imagines myself crouching for hours on the side of the road hugging the left rear tire*

:( that will work right?

ah doesnt matter....

good times :P

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Live R Perfect
Don't you think they deserved a good talking to from a MOM? Why I almost got out my granny's bar of soap!

Damn right! We ought to give you honourary admin powers so you can give 'em a good spanking too!

Thus, I'm inflicting myself on you guys. Getting to know you, and all of that. He's cool with it. He actually ASKED me to join the site. So, here I is...

Well, you are very welcome to inflict yourself on us all here :)

Boy, I sure hope your name means you enjoy LIVING, and not that ummm... pseudo-"food"... (Not my favourite dinner, can you tell?)

Weeellllll..... it's a long story.... but my name does originate from the 'pseudo-food', in a bizaare kind of way! I kinda like liver too, as long as it's with bacon and onions ;)

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Being an old hag though, who (Sonny can tell ya) was around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, (i.e. the 1950's) I seem to remember that a person who chose NOT to sleep with everything that walked on two legs, was simply called A MORAL PERSON. And those who didn't were called PROMISCUOUS?


I SO agree with you!! What really happened to turn everything so topsy-turvy that being promiscuous is now the "normal" way to be and being a moral person is seen as "there must be something wrong with you"?? :?

Dear Lord, I'd give ANYTHING to live in the 50's!! Isn't H.G. Wells' Time Machine working yet?!

Oh, and welcome - it's easy to see where SpockJr has gotten his sense of humour and way with words! :wink:

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