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Are You Demisexual Test

Janus the Fox

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I went with 3 on some questions that didn't apply, scored a 72%. Well then. Cool beans.

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The most sort of "attraction" I've felt is wanting to kiss my partner but that's about it. I don't feel attraction and iv never have.

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I got stuck in question 10 as I don't care about sex with others and neither about romantic relationships. Thus, I don't understand the question.

Well I do but not how I should take it in my case.

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81% that settles that!

And just for fun 82% on the sapiosexual test.

So basically, you have to be with me for a long time, and also have to be very intelligent for me to get those feelings. Oh boy!

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I've got 54%, but there are several questions I couldn't answer because I've never had sex, a relationship or been in love (only had a couple of crushes back in middle school) in my life, so I could be demisexual and not know it yet, who knows :unsure:

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Some of the questions on there were pretty hard to answer, I got 77% which I am happy with. I mean a quiz can't decided what my sexuality is but I know now that I am definitely Demi.

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I got 80 but the sexual questions really dont apply to me cause I'm sex repulsed

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76%, though I kinda went with whatever I thought applied to me in some sex questions because I haven't had sex yet (and I don't really see it happening anytime in the near future).

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"You have reached 76 of 100 points, (76%)"

Well let's just wait and see...

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I found this asexual test unsurprisingly accurate. It said I am self-sexual. Though I've heard the term, didn't even know what exactly it meant. But after checking it out, that is exactly what I am.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The second one says I am Demi/Grey-A.Somehow I don't see this as accurate,even if I do understand why I got the result.

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87%, interesting quiz, it's weird to find fings related to my sexuality or gender))) but nonetheless pleasing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got 83% demi but I prefer to classify myself as "grey". I don't disagree with demisexuality in explaining me through. Personal preference I guess.

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90%, Only 2 or 3 of the questions didn't really apply to me, so I picked 3/neutral for those.

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89% a couple questions didn't really apply so I chose 3.

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Lone Wolf defined "demisexual", it's just that his/her test didn't seem to reflect the definition. I'm new to Ace terminology, but from what I got out of the test, it seemed to question whether you were either sexually charged or demi, and didn't take much account of the rest of the Ace spectrum. I got a 78%, but I don't feel that my behaviors or history match with the definition of demisexual. I'm just going to report Hetero-Asexual/ Aromantic until I learn more.

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welsh dragonite

well that didnt tell me anything i didnt already know about myself....i got 87% so i guess that makes me a demisexual. still i found a few of those questions a little hard tow answer due to lack off experence in relationships so i chose the 3's a few times

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got an 84 which isn't that surprising. I can see myself willingly agreeing to have sex with someone I'm close to out of curiosity or to do it for them but I don't really see myself throwing myself at someone I'm close to trying to get in their pants (a tad bit exaggerated but you get my point.)

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  • 8 months later...
Nobody particularly

I know I'm like really, really REALLY late but I'm still confused. I took this quiz and it said I'm 89% demisexual. But then I took the quiz to find out if I could also be asexual and I got 99%. So then I'm both. More asexual but also demisexual. What do I call myself then? Please answer this I literally just made this account for this question.

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I scored 75%, apparently over 60 is demi... I also got 64 (Average person score) for the sapiosexual one.

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Hmmmm I took this test and the answer while accurate if I was single, doesnt help me figure out myself as a married woman of 10 years and why my libido, attraction levels to my husband and level of comfort I feel doing certain acts is in the basement. Which doesnt help I guess. Got 75.

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89% but a lot of the questions I had to answer hypothetically.

I also found a link for a sapiosexuality test, and I got a 97%. ^_^

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Scored 79%... strange test, some of them wasn't applicable so I answered 3 instead. only confirms my suspicions. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been on this site for over 8 years (my physical "health " is almost nonexistent :excl:)

I scored 87 %, but 's not an accurate test by any stretch of he imagination. It's blatantly obvious that it was written by sexuals.

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Hidden Greg

The third question caught me off a bit.

"Watching lustful scenes in movies rarely makes me horny. I find them either boring or amusing."

Scenes in movies do far more for me than purpose-made porn does (in spite of, and regardless to the fact that they're often less graphic) purely because they're often illustrated within the context of a passionate relationship instead of just focusing on the frankly boring mechanics of the physical aspect of it.

Does question 4 really pertain to being a demi? I don't put my being single down to being demi at all. Besides, if you're demi and have a libido, surely you'd be more inclined to seek out relationships since your sexual drive depends on it... no?

Again, question 7 frames itself within the context of a relationship rather than seeking to differentiate between attitudes within and outwith relationships... missing the point?

Question 16 - masturbation or non-intimate sex. Neither of them ideal. The former is a lot less hassle though.

The entire quiz was a mess, asking questions that could have pertained either full aces or grey-a's anywhere on the spectrum instead of focusing on the particulars of being demi.

Regardless, got 88.

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  • 5 months later...

The test works in Firefox ! ^_^

I got 75% ...sort of what I expected, actually. Maybe a little higher than I thought I would get.

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