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How sensual do you want to be?


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Mycroft is Yourcroft
  • holding hands - Meh, sometimes maybe
  • hugs - Most definitely
  • cuddling with clothes on - Yupyup
  • cuddling with clothes off - Nopenope :P
  • caressing - Hrmm, most likely not
  • massages - Occasionally, but only if needed
  • kissing the body - Nope
  • kissing the mouth - Definitely
  • kissing the face - *nods*
  • belly rubs - ...no
  • playing with hair - Sah cute, yep!
  • touching bare skin - What like, arms or something? Okay
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact - Yes, so long as it's not creepy
  • synced breathing - ...I didn't even know that was a thing
  • co-sleeping - Noooooo, I talk A LOT in my sleep, and require room to stretch out :P
  • dance - Most dancing I know requires a lot of space, but yeah, sure!

I would definitely feel more comfortable being sensual with another ace, and I don't think I'd care if it was a specifically romantic relationship or not! ^_^

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I have little to no qualms with sensuality. It has became more natural, more welcomed, in practice over time with those whom I care for to show that I care for them. At least in friendships and in romantic relationships.

I haven't at any time been with another asexual let alone met one in person, but in my experience I have been fine with all of those things you have listed above- minus the dancing since I have two left feet. I am quite a shy person, so I do need to gradually ease in to my comfort level with sensual things per individual. As previously stated, it is those who I care for I can be sensual with. It makes me happy to make them happy which is often where I find the strength to pursue less comfortable things. For example, a lack of clothing. I admit I will be forever stubborn about that one.

First and foremost, when aquainting myself I do my best to be honest and clear about my preferences and for the most part people have been understanding equally as best as they could. Thus far, the compromises have been fair.

Do you think that you'd feel more confident being sensual with another ace, versus a sexual person?

It would ease my mind to not have to constantly wonder whether I am keeping up with their physical needs, if an ace. As to whether I'll be more confident? I couldn't say for certain. Probably!

Do you think that your comfort level with sensual touch is influenced by the expectation of sex that sexual society inserts into sensual touching?

Indirectly it is. Fortunately, I have some sly moves to evade sex as a progression which usually works and to me that is reassuring.

Is sensual touching specifically romantic to you or can it happen in any emotionally intimate relationship?

It can happen in more or less any emotionally intimate relationship. It's not specifically romantic. Still, I have to enjoy and care for that persons company enough to think of it.

Ideally, I would want to have some extent of sensual contact, otherwise I would miss it. It wouldn't have to be much nor often. Where I do have problems is if or when one is being clingy and in want of it all the time... so, none of that.

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In your intimate relationships, whether they're romantic or nonromantic, whether they're traditional couple relationships or romantic friendships or queerplatonic relationships, whether they're closed or open, how much sensual touching do you want ideally?

Try to answer imagining that there is never any pressure or chance of sensual touch turning into sex, ever.

Sensual touching includes but is not limited to the following:

  • holding hands
  • hugs
  • cuddling with clothes on
  • cuddling with clothes off
  • caressing
  • massages
  • kissing the body
  • kissing the mouth
  • kissing the face
  • belly rubs
  • playing with hair
  • touching bare skin
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact
  • synced breathing
  • co-sleeping
  • dance

Do you think that you'd feel more confident being sensual with another ace, versus a sexual person? Do you think that your comfort level with sensual touch is influenced by the expectation of sex that sexual society inserts into sensual touching? Is sensual touching specifically romantic to you or can it happen in any emotionally intimate relationship?

I do all of the ones above I've highlighted with my boyfriend, and although he is sexual, it doesn't always turn into anything sexual or even lead to a sexual act. Sometimes it does, sometimes not. He says he is used to doing a lot of non-sexual cuddling with many people, including family members, so he is perhaps that rare sexual who can cuddle with someone and not feel that it has to lead to sex. He has told me that many times. So with him I can be confident that our actions don't have to automatically lead to something sexual. Funny thing I used to freak out at the though of this kind of touching, especially with someone I am romantically attracted to for fear of where it would normally lead. But I've gotten quite used to it and I enjoy it a lot now that I know I won't automatically be expected to have sex. But for me this kind of intimate touching wouldn't feel right outside a romantic relationship.

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Except synced breathing and dancing (mainly because I'm too clumsy for dancing, I would ruin thr moment), I want everything !

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  • holding hands Yes

  • hugs Yes

cuddling with clothes on YES

cuddling with clothes off Yes - More awkward, but has a more intimate feeling

caressing Yes

massages Yes - Giving, not recieving

kissing the body Yes - Giving, not recieving

kissing the mouth Yes

kissing the face Yes

belly rubs Yes - Giving, not reciving

playing with hair Yes

touching bare skin Yes

deliberate/prolonged eye contact Yes

synced breathing Yes

co-sleeping YES! Pretty awesome experience!

dance Nope - Can't dance.

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Wow thread necromancy lol, but it's a good topic so I'll reply :p ..for me, with my romantic partner, everything in the list minus dancing, because I can't dance haha. I'd also say bathing/showering together, that sort of thing. Pretty much all sensual things I'm keen on with my partner, just no actual sex of course ^_^

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In your intimate relationships, whether they're romantic or nonromantic, whether they're traditional couple relationships or romantic friendships or queerplatonic relationships, whether they're closed or open, how much sensual touching do you want ideally?

Try to answer imagining that there is never any pressure or chance of sensual touch turning into sex, ever.

Sensual touching includes but is not limited to the following:

  • holding hands
  • hugs
  • cuddling with clothes on
  • cuddling with clothes off
  • caressing
  • massages
  • kissing the body
  • kissing the mouth
  • kissing the face
  • belly rubs
  • playing with hair
  • touching bare skin
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact
  • synced breathing
  • co-sleeping
  • dance

Do you think that you'd feel more confident being sensual with another ace, versus a sexual person? Do you think that your comfort level with sensual touch is influenced by the expectation of sex that sexual society inserts into sensual touching? Is sensual touching specifically romantic to you or can it happen in any emotionally intimate relationship?

I'm down for all the bold points.

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I love this question! I would adore all of it! The cuddling with clothes off is something I would like in theory, but in order for that to happen I would have to be so wonderfully connected and in love with the man I wanted to cuddle naked with. I would feel so much more comfortable doing all this with another ace, another sensual ace. The reason being is that I am so passionate and sensual, that if I were to be with a non ace, sensually that is, I know for sure that it would lead to him wanting sex and that in turn would ruin the whole experience of being sensual with him. My fear is,that being a sensual ace, and desiring passion,intimacy and sensuality, I worry that I will never find my match. It really truly scares me. Wanting all of this so badly, and knowing that I couldn't have it with a sexual person is truly frightening. I am trying to get to a place where I can accept the possibility that I may never find the man I'm looking for. But with that said, I still keep a corner of my heart open to idea that maybe I'll find him and that maybe I will get to have all of this :)

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In your intimate relationships, whether they're romantic or nonromantic, whether they're traditional couple relationships or romantic friendships or queerplatonic relationships, whether they're closed or open, how much sensual touching do you want ideally?

Try to answer imagining that there is never any pressure or chance of sensual touch turning into sex, ever.

Sensual touching includes but is not limited to the following:

  • holding hands
  • hugs
  • cuddling with clothes on
  • cuddling with clothes off
  • caressing
  • massages
  • kissing the body
  • kissing the mouth
  • kissing the face
  • belly rubs
  • playing with hair
  • touching bare skin
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact
  • synced breathing
  • co-sleeping
  • dance

Do you think that you'd feel more confident being sensual with another ace, versus a sexual person? Do you think that your comfort level with sensual touch is influenced by the expectation of sex that sexual society inserts into sensual touching? Is sensual touching specifically romantic to you or can it happen in any emotionally intimate relationship?

well this is an interesting question, if it's with someone with whom I have a deep enough connection I can and like to be quite sensual and tactile person, though it usualy does take quite some time for me to feel comfortable enough to reach that point. Hugs, clothed cuddling and hand holding are all very much lovey on both giving ad receiving sides. As far as cuddling without clothes I'm never really comfortable with it, I've done it but I prefer have at least or the top or the bottom on, half naked it's good, naked bit not good in my book (assuming with clothes off means with *all* clothes off). There're things like caressing, dance, synced breathing, that I don't actively search nor really initiate much if at all but that I am partially indifferent about and it's ok whethere they happen or not; there're others though like deliberate/prolonged eye contact and belly rubs that do make me quite uncomfortable and I do actively try avoid them. The kissing is all fine with me, though the body one I'm more for the giving than receiving them even if that's probably more related to my trust and control issues rather than my orientation.

And lets end with the big guns touching bare skin, playing with hair, massages and co-sleeping those are all great signs of intimacy for me, they all requre an enourmous amount of trust, and they are precious gift. While I'm quite ok doing to others the first two especially massages (being quite good I know I can make someone I care about feel good with my hands and that's a great feeling) though I have some troubles accepting to receive those touches (mind you I love receiving them once there is that level of trust) and that's probably because both playing with my hair and massages are able to melt me like nothing else, it can be pure bliss sending me into a beautiful place where I just purr warm and content and that is how feeling completely loved is for me.

As for co-sleeping, well I've always been laughed at when since the very beginning the answer to "what's the most inimate thing you can share/connect with another person?" for me has been "sleep" while most of my friends and classmates had answers like "holding hands" "kissing" "make love" "have sex" (changing progressively with our growing up) my answer has stayed the same since I was 9 (when questions of the sort startd to appared). Sleep with someone is the most intimate act that could be shared, I like having someone in my life with whom I could share it? sure, would it be easy? probably not, and surely not right away (trust issues hi) but it would be worth it.

I've only had relatonship with sedual people, and well the whole underline of "sex is expected" had been quite uhneasy, so I'd hope with that mising I probably feel a little more free to be sensual with another ace.

For me sensual touching is mosty and more related to intimacy than romantic nature

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  • holding hands; Yes. All for holding hands.
  • hugs; Yes, again. All for hugs. I love hugs.
  • cuddling with clothes on; Yes.
  • cuddling with clothes off; Um, I'm not bothered by other people's lack of clothing, just my own. So it'd depend.
  • caressing; Sure, I suppose?
  • massages; Yeah? Why not?
  • kissing the body; Yes.
  • kissing the mouth; Yes.
  • kissing the face; Yes.
  • belly rubs; Rubbing someone else's belly, sure I can do that. I don't like mine being touched though.
  • playing with hair; Yeah.
  • touching bare skin; Yeah.
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact; Depends, I think this one can be a bit awkward? If it's someone I know well it might be okay?
  • synced breathing; I've never even thought about this one to be honest. I don't think I could do it on purpose, I'd be too focused on it to actually enjoy the act.
  • co-sleeping; Yes.
  • dance; I cannot dance. I am a goof, so if it's just for fun, possibly drunk dancing, sure.

Do you think that you'd feel more confident being sensual with another ace, versus a sexual person?

I don't think it's dependant on their sexuality, it's more just dependant on them as a person, if I'm comfortable with them, if I know them well enough. And maybe on the situation. I'm not overly fond of huge displays of public affection, when it involves me. I don't mind some stuff, I just don't like feeling like I'm shoving it in peoples faces.

Do you think that your comfort level with sensual touch is influenced by the expectation of sex that sexual society inserts into sensual touching?

I'm not repulsed by sex, it's just not something I'd personally go looking for. It's just sex? So if the sexual society inserts expectations into sensual touching that's more their issue than mine? Like if I'm just down for sitting and having a wee cuddle watching a movie with someone, and they automatically assume that means we're going to be having sex, well that's their let down. I never said we would. But it doesn't make me want to be less sensual.

I don't think I answered that question well. Sorry.

Is sensual touching specifically romantic to you or can it happen in any emotionally intimate relationship?

I don't mind hugging my friends, I quite like it. And with my job, it is very emotionally intimate, I care for people, and provide them with their most basic needs (food, water/drinks, going to the bathroom, personal hygiene, socialising) so like the hugs, and hand holding cross over into my job (sometimes sitting down and holding someone's wee hand and having a right good wee chat with them makes their day) so those sort of things aren't exclusive to romantic relationships, but it's a very different type or hug, or holding hands if that makes sense. It feels very different (obviously). But mostly yeah, it's got romantic feelings behind the actions for me, so I wouldn't let myself hold hands in a certain way/situation with someone if we weren't in a romantic relationship/if they weren't aware of my feelings towards them just so we aren't getting mixed messages.

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I'm a very touch-sensitive person, so I avoid touching when it comes to family/relatives/friends. Strangers are difinately a no-no. I usually connect touch with romantic/emotional bond. Sexuals or aces? I guess I don't care, as long as the boundaries are respected.

  • holding hands; sure
  • hugs; that's a nice feeling, definitely yes
  • cuddling with clothes on; sure, love a good movie in good company
  • cuddling with clothes off; ....no
  • caressing; I suppose...
  • massages; if I'm the giver, not sure the other way round
  • kissing the body; Yes.
  • kissing the mouth; yes
  • kissing the face; okay...
  • belly rubs; is there a point in that? seems a bit weird
  • playing with hair; even though I adore my tresses, still don't see the point, but whatever
  • touching bare skin; not sure
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact; like in the movies, music on background, right? I'd probably burst out laughing in 3 sec...
  • synced breathing; that would be weird, wouldn't it?
  • co-sleeping; uhmm... I'm very posesive with my bed, so unsure about sharing it
  • dance; what I've got to lose, right? just slap some Barry White into the player and I'll do it
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Per Aspera Ad Astra

All of the above, except for cuddling with the clothes off.

I love contact and cuddling, when it is with people I trust and love (so not that many people).

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In your intimate relationships, whether they're romantic or nonromantic, whether they're traditional couple relationships or romantic friendships or queerplatonic relationships, whether they're closed or open, how much sensual touching do you want ideally?

Try to answer imagining that there is never any pressure or chance of sensual touch turning into sex, ever.

Sensual touching includes but is not limited to the following:

  • holding hands
  • hugs
  • cuddling with clothes on
  • cuddling with clothes off
  • caressing
  • massages
  • kissing the body
  • kissing the mouth
  • kissing the face
  • belly rubs
  • playing with hair
  • touching bare skin
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact
  • synced breathing
  • co-sleeping
  • dance

Do you think that you'd feel more confident being sensual with another ace, versus a sexual person? Do you think that your comfort level with sensual touch is influenced by the expectation of sex that sexual society inserts into sensual touching? Is sensual touching specifically romantic to you or can it happen in any emotionally intimate relationship?

Yes to all of these (except for the one I crossed out, though maybe in certain circunstances I'd be okay with it, it's just not something I've ever desired before). Pretty much my ideal relationship would be this and nothing more. I think I'd probably feel more confident being sensual with another ace because then they would understand what I feel and I know I'd never be pressured into more than I am comfortable with. I'm pretty sure one of the reasons I was never fully able to trust my ex is cos I didn't trust that he wouldn't push me to have sex with him, and it didn't help that every time I denied his request he followed it up with "Are you sure?" and "When do you think you'll be ready?" I didn't understand asexuality then so I just thought I "wasn't ready" but I now know that I don't desire that kind of relationship at all. While I know sexual/asexual relationships can exist and do work out, I just feel like the pressure would still be there.

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  • holding hands


cuddling with clothes on

kissing the mouth (maybe, just maybe. No French kissing though)

kissing the face

playing with hair

touching bare skin (like under the chin and nothing too sexual)

I really want to do that stuff with someone. I just don't have anyone really.

No sex, sorry :3

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It's all moot because I don't think I'll ever find a relationship but:

  • holding hands - sure, as long as it's not sweaty
  • hugs - yes, please but you may have to initiate the first one
  • cuddling with clothes on - sure, as long as it's not sweaty
  • cuddling with some clothes off - maybe but only after I get top surgery this summer, I'm curious
  • caressing - maybe, in small amounts
  • massages - yes, please. I'm thrilled that I recently started a massage exchange with a co-worker. We both get sore muscles from throwing kids around.
  • kissing the body - maybe, in small amounts
  • kissing the mouth - no
  • kissing the face - an occasional peck
  • belly rubs - no, too ticklish
  • playing with hair - yes, please
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact - awkward
  • synced breathing - this is a thing? why?
  • co-sleeping - yes, if I have space to move away when I want
  • dance - I don't dance
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Honestly, this is something I've been trying to figure out for a while. My boyfriend and I have been together for about 2 months, and so far we haven't engaged in much physical contact besides hugging. This is mostly due to my own discomfort, and I really appreciate how respectful he is of my boundaries. This is the first romantic relationship I've been in, though, so I'm not sure if I'm uncomfortable because it's a new situation or because I'm just not into sensual contact. In theory, stuff like cuddling, kissing, and holding hands sounds awesome, but in practice I just can't go through with it. He's been so understanding, but I'm genuinely worried that I'm never going to reach the point where I'm comfortable with sensual contact.

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I don't have much experience in any of this. I do really like physical touch, though. Anyway, here's what I figure.

  • holding hands - Yes. I like doing this with close friends if they're ok with it.
  • hugs - Yes. I like hugs a lot.
  • cuddling with clothes on - I like cuddling.
  • cuddling with clothes off - eh. haven't been in this kind of relationship. I imagine it would be awkward.
  • caressing - sure.
  • massages - sure.
  • kissing the body - hm. dunno.
  • kissing the mouth - sure.
  • kissing the face - platonic cheek/forehead kisses are pretty nice :)
  • belly rubs - i've no idea.
  • playing with hair - I have conflicting thoughts on this...
  • touching bare skin - sure...? handholding and kissing fall under this, yes?
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact - Yes.
  • synced breathing - I mean, I play music. I do this with multiple people all the time. It's kinda necessary in order to be in time with everyone else, or at least it really really helps. But I suppose this means every breath...? I'm confused. I'll stop typing.
  • co-sleeping - might be nice with the right person.
  • dance - huh. haven't learned to dance yet. I've had a couple friends tell me they'd teach me to. hasn't happened yet. sounds fun though.
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I love this question! I would adore all of it! The cuddling with clothes off is something I would like in theory, but in order for that to happen I would have to be so wonderfully connected and in love with the man I wanted to cuddle naked with. I would feel so much more comfortable doing all this with another ace, another sensual ace. The reason being is that I am so passionate and sensual, that if I were to be with a non ace, sensually that is, I know for sure that it would lead to him wanting sex and that in turn would ruin the whole experience of being sensual with him. My fear is,that being a sensual ace, and desiring passion,intimacy and sensuality, I worry that I will never find my match. It really truly scares me. Wanting all of this so badly, and knowing that I couldn't have it with a sexual person is truly frightening. I am trying to get to a place where I can accept the possibility that I may never find the man I'm looking for. But with that said, I still keep a corner of my heart open to idea that maybe I'll find him and that maybe I will get to have all of this :)

Hey I am extremely sensual (and kinky when in the right mood) and I was just like you.. well I had actually given up on relationships because I figured there was no such thing as a man especially who would be able to be deeply, intimately sensual, without needing sex. I figured that was like a biological impossibility haha And was perfectly happy to remain single if it meant never having to have sex again (because honestly, sex is like nails on a chalkboard for me.. and if I had a choice between the two I'd take the nails any day haha)

Anyway, then I met my partner :p if anything, he's actually *more* sensual than me :o just has absolutely no desire for partnered sex (despite having a healthy libido etc) .. so yeah, it totally does happen!! There are guys out there who love sensuality but don't want sex, hopefully one day you find the perfect one for you! :3 oh and, he's 21, five years younger than me, so yup, young guys who are loving, kind, sweet, sensual and intimate, but don't want sex (despite having healthy 21 year old guy libidos lol) do exist! He even *loves* to cook :p epic bonus haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • holding hands - so much yes!
  • hugs - also lots of yes
  • cuddling with clothes on - YES
  • cuddling with clothes off - uh, no
  • caressing - maybe?
  • massages - no
  • kissing the body - no
  • kissing the mouth - no
  • kissing the face - sure
  • belly rubs - uh...no
  • playing with hair - sure
  • touching bare skin - sure? depends where
  • deliberate/prolonged eye contact - yes only if it's not in Twilight
  • synced breathing - does it even matter?
  • co-sleeping - YUS!
  • dance - yes
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With the right person, I could be very sensual. If they aren't the right person, I'm cold and quite a prude.

I like dancing. Close, moving to the music - it's a conversation without words and can bring about closeness

I'm pretty "iffy" about physical contact, and I prefer to not be touched, but I give hella good massages and foot rubs

I always kind of liked showering or bathing together, and I am friggin awesome at shaving a woman's legs. Close, smooth, not a bit of razor rash or knicks. Even behind the knee. I'm really good. I can even shave a bikini area like a pro.

I enjoyed finding "spots" on a woman - not to get her sexually aroused, but the places where she'd react and then relax in a kind of surrender to the experience

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I feel like this would have made an excellent poll instead :)

And everyone could answer more questions in the comments afterward.

I don't have much to say about it because it's a very private thing for me (and some things I'm still trying to figure out), but some of these options never occurred to me in my mind. So that's interesting.

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I Shot the Serif

Hmmm it's been a long time...now I'm gonna have to say that all of these are, at the least, fine.

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I am a very sensual person. I like hugs it gives me that special feeling of warmth and care. And if I am with someone I've got feelings for, the whole list is just fine. Though I will barely take it in a sexual way, for me it is just a way to show my romantic attachment.

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I am a very sensual person and I absolutely love, hand holding, cuddling (clothes only), kisses (closed, open maybe sometimes), and tummy rubs, but the best thing ever is being TICKLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just love being tickled :wub:

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  • Holding hands - Yes, please.
  • Hugs - Occasional, only in emotional situations.
  • Cuddling with clothes on - Mandatory.
  • Cuddling with some clothes off - Topless, maybe. Otherwise, nah.
  • Caressing - Had to look this up, ha ha. Sure, with limits?
  • Massages - With limits.
  • Kissing the body - Sure, but not under the belt.
  • Kissing the mouth - Yes, please.
  • Kissing the face - Mandatory.
  • Belly rubs - Sounds awkward.
  • Playing with hair - Giving, sure. Receiving, nah.
  • Deliberate/prolonged eye contact - Yes, please.
  • Synced breathing - Would be nice, not heartbreaking if not.
  • Co-sleeping - Yes.
  • Dance - I'm not the best dancer, but I guess so, on occasion?

All of these sensual actions will take time to develop in relationship. I need complete trust in partner. :blush:

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  • Holding hands Okay, I've always had really warm hands, and it always feels strange...

  • Hugs Sure

Cuddling with clothes on Absolutely

Cuddling with clothes off Not opposed to it as a matter of course

Caressing Um... Okay? I guess...

Massages Same as carressing

Kissing the body Meh

Kissing the mouth Sure

Kissing the face Meh

Belly rubs ? That's a thing for someone other than a dog? (And don't go saying that cats are belly rubbable). I'm a little ticklish, would probably react like a cat...

Playing with hair Meh

Touching bare skin Sure, so long as it isn't too hot in the room

Deliberate/prolonged eye contact Okay I guess

Synced breathing I don't know that sensual is the right word for that...

Co-sleeping IF the other person doesn't move around a lot, I'm alright with it. It seems like every woman I've ever slept in a bed with continuously keeps trying to snuggle closer and closer until I get kicked off the edge of the bed.

Dance I can't dance...

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I'm curious...What are your opinions towards French kissing? Do you consider it sensual or sexual?

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  • holding hands of course

hugs sounds good

cuddling with clothes on always yes

cuddling with clothes off if I was that comfortable with someone, then probably. Hey, the human form is a beautiful thing.



kissing the body

kissing the mouth

kissing the face

belly rubs Is... that a thing that people do?

playing with hair I love having my hair played with! It's one of the reasons I've been keeping it long

touching bare skin sure ok

deliberate/prolonged eye contact probably

synced breathing alright

co-sleeping (I actually really hate sleeping alone)

dance I love to dance and I'm always up for it

I'm such a snuggler, too!

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  • Holding hands Yep

  • Hugs Only if they're proper hugs. None of that back patting bullshit.

Cuddling with clothes on Yes

Cuddling with clothes off Keeping my underwear and binder on. So nope.

Caressing Depends on the body parts being caressed.

Massages Yes.

Kissing the body Depends.

Kissing the mouth Yes.

Kissing the face Yes.

Belly rubs No.

Playing with hair Yes.

Touching bare skin Depends.

Deliberate/prolonged eye contact Yes please.

Synced breathing Why not.

Co-sleeping If it's not too warm, yes.


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