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"Living in a world full of brutal truths is better than living in a world full of gentle lies." -Me


What's your favorite book and a little bit about it?

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I have two. Lamb - Christopher Moore. It's the gospel of Jesus Christ according to his best friend Bif. Really funny. And the second is Watership Down - Richard Adams. It's a happy story about bunnies looking for a new home. NOTHING like the movie. Do not watch the movie.


Are there any tv shows you like to binge over and over?



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I don't really have one...I just like to (mostly) eat good foods, so I get healthy nutrients that way. The only thing I've added is Vitamin D, because I wrap and also live in an area where the sun is incredibly intense, so exposure is not the wisest thing to do.


If you could spend a month wearing the clothing and trappings of a particular "alternative subculture", which one would you choose to adorn yourself with?


*Wow...I just had an intense deja vu. Don't know why. Maybe I've asked this before? Or have wanted to?*

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Jordan, I guess.



How often do you stay up past when you should have gone to bed?

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99.997% of the time.


What is the the most number of consecutive episodes of a show have you watched in a row without stopping (bathroom and food ok breaks). What show was it?

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Wow, I've done that with a lot of shows. I think the one I did the longest, though, was probably Farscape, which is 70-some episodes, but I know I slept in there at least once. And it was before binging was even a thing.



What's something that's caused you to immediately stop watching a show or movie?

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A joke mocking a person with a disability, it was the final straw, turned it off, never watched the show ever again :angry::angry::angry:


What was the last book you bought and have you read it yet?




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"Fun Home" and yes I have started it :)



What is the most annoying "catchy jingle" that has gotten stuck in your head lately?

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Probably the theme song to New Girl. My roommate and I have been watching it on Netflix. Ironically, my roommate's name is also Jess. So I made it my ringtone when she calls me. She groaned when I said I was doing it, because it keeps getting stuck in our heads, but then she realized she would never actually have to hear it.



Are there any sequels you like better than the originals (Excluding Star Wars, Harry Potter, LotR, and Marvel movies, and reboots)?

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I liked Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood better than Full Metal Alchemist.


How are you actually feeling right now?

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Meh. Kind of blah. My roommate's been having health issues so trying to keep her spirits up and making sure she takes care of herself has been pretty exhausting. And dishes need done but I don't want to do them. And I'm hungry, but I'm not sure for what. And emotionally, well, I just want to go back to bed.



Do you have a secret that you have never, and never will, told anyone?

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I have many secrets. I'm considering writing some of my secrets in a word document on my USB in the hopes that when I die, they'll be found though.

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You could send them to postsecret. Also you forgot a question.



If you could get rid of one fear or anxiety, what would it be?

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(Sorry I forgot to ask a question.) I would get rid of anxiety, because I feel anxious quite often, and stress would have a hard time getting to me. I'd still fear things, but it wouldn't be as consistent and random.


Do you ever imagine what it would be like to see space from space?

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All the time!


Sorry, I think I was vague, I meant a specific fear or anxiety, like fear of snakes. So same question. Which fear or anxiety would you get rid of?

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Oh. I would get rid of enochlophobia (the fear of crowds).


Do you know a lot of strange facts that would concern quite a few people?

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I would say they were more random than strange, and I doubt they would concern anyone.


If you could eat one specific food without any negative effects, and never getting sick of it, what would you pick?

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I'd pick cheezies, because I can keep buying them and just get all the benefits. Plus I love cheezies.


If you could start your life over with the knowledge you have, would you?

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Definitely, I wouldn't have wasted my adulthood pretending that certain gender and orientation issues were a fallacy 


WYR go bungee jumping or swim with sharks? 

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Swim with sharks. Sorry bungee jumping.


Would you rather hike a mountain, or go underground?

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If you could take credit for a scientific discovery, which one would you pick?

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I wouldn't want to take credit for something I didn't discover myself.


What helps calm you down when you're upset?

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Music (Listening and Singing). Food. AVEN. My TV shows. Telling myself stories I make up myself. Drawing (even though I suck at it XD)


What is your favorite letter and why?

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Q because it's an uncommon and unique letter. A because it's the first letter of my name. K because I've known a lot of people I like whose names start with K.


If you could have any eye colour, what would you choose?

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I actually like mine very much, and would not want any other color. They are very green, with a dark green limbal ring all around, and subtle grey and gold close to the pupils. But, if I was not so freaked out by the thought of putting contacts in, I would like to try black, or dark brown ones, just once, to see what I would look like with those colors.


What is the feature you most like on your face?

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I would have to say my eyes because they are a dark brown almost black color, especially when there's not a light reflecting off of them.



What is your favorite exotic animal & why?

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IDK. Maybe parrots because they're colourful and they can talk.


How often do you look in the mirror?

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More when I glance and either am clean shaven or things along that line. Less otherwise.


Do you talk (non textually, e.g. skype) with any friends/etc. you've not met in person?

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I did before but less now due to horrible past experiences



How many hours do you sleep a night?

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