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Demisexual or low sex drive?


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I think I might be demisexual but still have sexual desires about people on the Internet. I'll see a picture of an attractive woman or man and have sexual fantasies about them. I don't find anyone in real life attractive until I get to know them. I prefer having my fantasies than doing anything sexual. I see people like pieces of art where I can tell they are attractive to most people but don't feel any sexual desires towards them. I'm not sure if it's from being sexual frustrated from the person I'm attracted to now. Does that make me demisexual, bisexual with a low sex drive or just really sexual frustrated?

I'm sorry if this worded weirdly. I wasn't sure how to explain this at first.

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Nah, I get what you mean exactly. I'm rarely attracted to anyone in real life. And when I am it's usually marginal & goes away quickly, unless I develop real feelings for them. You sound like me (I identify as demisexual) who is more interested & aroused by ideas, stories & the odd fictional character. Probably demi, because in my book a demisexual & even asexual can have any range of sex drive & desire, but we just think about it & feel differently about it & don't have the need to act it out with people unless we care about or love them. Hope I helped. :)

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Nah, I get what you mean exactly. I'm rarely attracted to anyone in real life. And when I am it's usually marginal & goes away quickly, unless I develop real feelings for them. You sound like me (I identify as demisexual) who is more interested & aroused by ideas, stories & the odd fictional character. Probably demi, because in my book a demisexual & even asexual can have any range of sex drive & desire, but we just think about it & feel differently about it & don't have the need to act it out with people unless we care about or love them. Hope I helped. :)

Thank you so much! :lol: I wasn't sure if it was something different when you are aroused by ideas and stories but also real people you have feeling for.

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Janus the Fox

I am exactly the same way, I have fluid strength bisexual fantasies (threesomes included!) and have a higher libido that is common in bisexuals, but the reaction to materials of that kind or romantic/physical attractions are weak to non existent. It's up to you if you want to identify as asexual or bisexual, AVEN is the best place to explore it. For me personally I dual identify at the moment as being an Aromantic Asexual (sexual orientation) and Bisexual [homosexual lean](sexual identity)  

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Sex drive is independent of demisexuality.

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