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Low IQ and sex addiction


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I think someone else has already posted a thread with this theme... but do any of you other A's notice how most sex addicts aren't exactly rocket scientist material? I see this all the time.

Maybe the Hindu scriptures are right... sex is the only real form of ecstasy that these clods are able to experience.

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no marty, think bill clinton and jim morrison. perhaps you are on to personalities such as Virginia Woolf who were both axexual and genius, but that does not cover the gamut.

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I don't know any sex addicts to know WHAT their IQs are/were. So, sorry, can't join the survey.

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No, there are plenty of intelligent people addicted to sex. But with any addiction it can cloud reason. Maybe this is what you are thinking of? Addictions can hit anybody despite IQ level.

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Chris P Bacon
I think someone else has already posted a thread with this theme... but do any of you other A's notice how most sex addicts aren't exactly rocket scientist material? I see this all the time.

Maybe the Hindu scriptures are right... sex is the only real form of ecstasy that these clods are able to experience.

At the risk of maybe upsetting a few people on here, and it's not my intention to do that, but you DO find in underdeveloped parts of the world where they're not blessed with great brain power, that you have blokes roaming around trying to shag anything that moves. But is that high sex drive or pure animalism?

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Where in the word are people not blessed with great brain power? If you're talking about famine rich areas, it's comparable to when cults starve their members. Their brain gets little nourishment and can't function properly, but it's not something they're born with.

In areas where blokes roam around shagging everything, I think it's more the fact that it's acceptable in the area to do so. (Not unlike sleazy bars and college parties). I don't think that qualifies them as sex addicts.

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I think someone else has already posted a thread with this theme... but do any of you other A's notice how most sex addicts aren't exactly rocket scientist material? I see this all the time.

Maybe the Hindu scriptures are right... sex is the only real form of ecstasy that these clods are able to experience.

At the risk of maybe upsetting a few people on here, and it's not my intention to do that, but you DO find in underdeveloped parts of the world where they're not blessed with great brain power, that you have blokes roaming around trying to shag anything that moves. But is that high sex drive or pure animalism?

You mean like, third-world countries? I don't generally connect third-world countries to "blokes" ... I think that's us first-world ones that have those. We have the chance to develop our intelligence and think about other things than survival, so we are also the only ones with the potential of being stupid. We know better but still do things we don't need to do...that is what a bloke is, no?

EDIT: The more I think about it the more I assume you are not referring to underdeveloped countries at all, since most of them are likely too starving to think in terms of "shagging things which move". So perhaps we could use a different set of terminology?

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The only sex addict I know has two graduate degrees, is fluent in English, German, Greek and Latin, can quote from memory long passeges from Homer in Greek and English, and from Ovid and others in Latin and English, and writes satirical lyrics in three languages that are on a par with those of Sondheim or the Capital Steps.

So, um, no. Never noticed. Sorry.


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cait, not all third world countries are underdeveloped. india for one. probably you should visit delhi or bombay to see how thin the difference between them and any cosmo city in the west. the kind of animalistic passions that are referred to probably pertain to the jungles of africa.

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Of course all third world countries are underdeveloped, else they wouldn't be third world countries... :)

However not all underdeveloped countries are third world countries! There are many countries in Europe that are economically undeveloped, such as Moldavia for example, but you can't call that third world really.

But anyway, in order for them to have sex much more than white/western people, they would need a higher sex drive! Do they have it? I doubt that, perhaps a little bit...

Also in some countries they could actually have less sex than in western countries due to strict customs about marriage. For example muslim arab countries.

You mean like, third-world countries? I don't generally connect third-world countries to "blokes" ... I think that's us first-world ones that have those. We have the chance to develop our intelligence and think about other things than survival, so we are also the only ones with the potential of being stupid. We know better but still do things we don't need to do...that is what a bloke is, no?


"Bloke" is another word for "guy"/"dude" etc. He meant to say "but you DO find in underdeveloped parts of the world where they're not blessed with great brain power, that you have guys roaming around trying to shag anything that moves."


Also i don't think that it is because of the low brain power of these nations, but rather because of the lawlessness. ;)

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And the residents of these hypothetical third world areas - they don't get much chance to go to school so that makes them stupid? IQ is supposed to be a measure of your innate intelligence regardless of how much education you've memorised. Unfortunately this is very difficult to test, so most IQ "tests" measure how many cultural assumptions you've soaked up. I know lots of very smart people who didn't finish high school.

Back to the original question...

I always assumed that addicts (of all forms) focussed all of their time and energy on their addiction and just didn't *appear* smart even if they actually were.

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I think there can be a correlation between 'dumbass' and having to find a non-intellectual form of enjoyment. This often = tv, sport, sex. HOWEVER I enjoy two of those, so noone can't say that ONLY dumb people like them...Hell, painting can technically come under that and I live for art... Also, of the four teenagers I know who are entirely obsessed with sex, two of them are pretty intelligent, and the other two average. Then again, I don't tend to mix with the dumbasses at my school cos they take the piss out of the fact that I read.

(I have an IQ of 138, which isn't bad)

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I think someone else has already posted a thread with this theme... but do any of you other A's notice how most sex addicts aren't exactly rocket scientist material? I see this all the time.

'Kay, are we talking about pervs, people who are just loose or places where the laws around sex are different? Or are we talking about sex addicts? The topic (unless I'm the dumbass) was sex addicts. Not just floosies and sewing wild oats. Sexual ADDICTION is not the same as being loose or having no inhibitions. Marty, you say you see it all the time, just how many sex addicts DO you know?

And the residents of these hypothetical third world areas - they don't get much chance to go to school so that makes them stupid?

Not to mention, take any college grad, thunk them down, unprepared into the middle of the Kalahari or outback and see just who has "less brain power". Hey, look at all the people going through 12-18 years of school here who still can't spell, throw apostrophes on things like CDs, TVs, DVDs and As, can't punctuate or throw simple paragraphs together. Does that mean they're sex addicts?

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legion, the term third world is a construct from the times when some countries did not belong to the first (comprising US and its suckers) or the second (the Soviet Union and its hangers on) worlds. these were the so called non aligned nations during the Cold War. I do not think that you can equate underdevelopment with third-worldism; that would be a pity. acc to the definition, china would be third world (it wasn't aligned with the soviets ever despite the communism), but shanghai and parts of china are more "first world" than the first world itself.

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Yeah actually, I'd have to disagree. I'd actually see it as the other way.

Whilst being at university for a few years, I met and were friends with heaps of really intelligent people. However, they were all in some way really interested in sex, and many of them were sex addicts.

Particularly one guy seemed to have a different gf every I saw him, and another usually had one, but always had 2 or 3 other hangers on.

Majority of the conversations had some kind of sexual nature to it. Even in lectures, it usually turned towards this direction at some time or other.

Yet, these people were real smart. They were a whiz at subjects like physics and that kind of thing. They were getting distinctions left right and centre, and always had work finished early. So it actually amazed me how these people seemed to spend like 99% of their time thinking about sex, yet this 1% really made up for their intelligence.

A few less smart people I have known, don't seem to be as obsessed though. I thought about it for a while, and after observing I came to a conclusion.

I think because these people weren't seen as 'real bright' so therefore, they had a bit of trouble getting partners. After not having a partner for a few months or whatever, they seemed to kinda get used to it or 'get over it.'

This is just my observation, but I think that sometimes people are interested in intelligent people. Therefore, those at the 'high intelligent' end seem to have the ability to attract others, and hence they become obsessed.

This is just my opinion though, and I'm just basing it on the area I live, and the various people I know.

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I don't see any correlation between sex drive and intelligence. I have known some extraordinarily brilliant and gifted people over the years, and none of them have been asexual.

On the other hand, I have serious doubts about people who deliberately choose to smoke while knowing the risks. Is it lack of reasoning ability (the inability to anticipate the effects of any given cause), lack of comprehension (inability to understand the effects), denial (which is similar to the belief in magic that is common to children), or is it a deliberate attempt at self-destruction due to self-esteem issues?

I've wondered about this for many years .... Why do so many otherwise intelligent people knowingly enslave themselves to something that will invariably decrease their quality of life, even if it doesn't kill them outright?

And, before anybody gets completely offended at me, these questions on smoking are intended rhetorically. I'm actually NOT trying to hijack the thread! (For once! :wink: )

My point is: seeing how hard it is to categorize smokers, I don't see how any judgement could even be ATTEMPTED regarding people who seem to be addicted to sex.


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Silly Green Monkey

Now that I think about it, smoking and sex are very similar. Both are held by society to be marks of the prime of life, children smoke to look older and older people smoke to look younger. Sex is supposedly the dividing point between childhood and adulthood, and something older adults have lost interest in. Why else would it be considered "gross" to think of the elderly enjoying sex? From a female standpoint, smoking is similar to sex because there is the chance of a dangerous growth occurring inside, that will change the life of the host forever.

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and I still would like to know just how many sex addicts Marty knows

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Live R Perfect
On the other hand, I have serious doubts about people who deliberately choose to smoke while knowing the risks. Is it lack of reasoning ability (the inability to anticipate the effects of any given cause), lack of comprehension (inability to understand the effects), denial (which is similar to the belief in magic that is common to children), or is it a deliberate attempt at self-destruction due to self-esteem issues?

Good question, and from those three choices I'd have to choose denial myself. Addiction is involved, but if I really took the possible consequences of what I'm doing seriously then I would seek out a cure for my addiction. Its nuts really... :roll:

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On the other hand, I have serious doubts about people who deliberately choose to smoke while knowing the risks. Is it lack of reasoning ability (the inability to anticipate the effects of any given cause), lack of comprehension (inability to understand the effects), denial (which is similar to the belief in magic that is common to children), or is it a deliberate attempt at self-destruction due to self-esteem issues?


Well, at the risk of sounding overly flippant, I smoke when I smoke bacause I enjoy it and I want to. There is no other consideration at play. Do I know that, given enough time, it will have detrimental effects upon my health? Sure. Breathing will, too. So will walking upright. Or eating. But I can't simply stop doing things because they will eventually lead to my death. Might as well stop living. And, of course, there is also the fatalistic argument: well, hell, SOMETHING's gonna' kill you. Might as well be something you choose. And there is also the "what if you're run over by a bus" argument which holds that you might as well do what you want 'cause there is no way to guarantee a long life, anyway. To paraphrase Irma Bombeck: "Think about all of those women who declined dessert on the Titanic. And for WHAT?"

(And, for the record, I haven't actually been a smoker in a while, now, but I thought I would weigh in. On this topic. The other topic is just mildly offensive. . . .)

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Rhetorical questions, ONLY .... people ... puh -leeze!

I assumed that nobody would be so foolish as to think there is any correlation between smoking and intelligence! Still, the risks are no secret, it is NOT something that is needed to continue the species, and it is physically addicting.

I was trying to use this as a comparison to sex addiction, NOT to say that smokers lack intelligence.

I suspect a sex addict could use KAW's explanation for smoking virtually word for word, and I have NEVER thought that KAW is anything less than brilliant. The same goes for Karl.

To sum up: correlation between sex adddiction and intelligence: NONE.

Now, the correlation between risky behavior and certain personality types HAS been established. That's another subject altogether.


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...denial (which is similar to the belief in magic that is common to children)...

Looks like you're the one doing the denying. The existence of magic is nonfalsifiable; why chastize its followers?

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And, before anybody gets completely offended at me, these questions on smoking are intended rhetorically. I'm actually NOT trying to hijack the thread! (For once! :wink: )


Just in case anyone missed this part from your original post, Greybird

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Sexual addiction isn't a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of will-power.

Like any "drug", sex is addicting. It creates a pleasureable feeling (for sexuals, at least), has no obvious downsides, and the body itself (in sexuals) wants it. So if they let themselves indulge in sex often, they'll want more. And intelligence has nothing to do with will-power. Smart people smoke, dumb people smoke. Smart people can quit, dumb people can quit. And the opposite holds true: dumb people can't quit, smart people can't quit.

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