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Asexual Aromantics and Children


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Maybe. I have no interest at the moment but I might in 5-10 years or so. I haven't ruled it out.

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I have two children, ages 14 and 2. Different fathers. I've come to the conclusion that even just being acquainted with the father is the kiss of death. I've went through ten years of custody battle hell already and it's looking like there's more of that to come. So, yes, I definitely want kids, would like to have more, but I think I'm going to require a sperm donor with recent medical screening and probably mutually protective legal paperwork of some sort. Love my kids. Hate my relationships with their fathers (notice I hate the relationships, not the fathers themselves). Looking for a donor (no physical contact), and hoping to find one before my clock runs out. I love the entire experience of pregnancy and childbirth (yes, even the painful icky parts). So I don't think asexuality necessarily rules out the desire for children;)

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Badger Power

I'm in the area between romantic and aromantic, but I love kids and I think I might like a couple of my own one day. Adoption's always out there.

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