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Of RELIEF. I feel like I kind of fell into this place, but was totally meant to.

This is the first time I have actually heard the term "asexual" used in a way other than to describe organisms that reproduced with out sex, like you learn about in biology, but I feel like I can embrace it with open arms. As I was reading all of the stuff in the information links, I was just amazed. I had never considered it that there was an option, other than heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual. (I use the word "option", only for a lack of a better term. I do not feel it is an option. It's just what I feel I am). I was like going with the flow all this time, even though, I really just don't think about or like sex. I always felt like something was just wrong with me, because I just don't really think about it. I actually did think about it, but it was more like worrying about it.

I mean, I can find people attractive, feel romantic love, and do want a relationship, I just don't want sex.

I don't know if I will always be this way, it may be just a phase, but it feels really comfortable right now. I am so glad that I've stumbled upon this site and have found that there's nothing wrong with me, and that there are others out there.

From what I've read so far, you guys seem very cool and very welcoming. Thanks to whoever it was that created this site!!!

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That would be AVENguy. All though all of us help out by simply being here.

Welcome to AVEN, it's always good to see a new face. Post a lot, okay.

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Hi Ivy!

Welcome to the board!! Make yourself at home. I know, I thought the same thing- that I HAD to be straight bi or gay and I didnt really fit any of those things. It was very distressing and disconcerting.. well-it just felt awful. Anyway we're so glad you're here!


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Yeah, welcome and make yourself at home!! Alot of us here feel the same way about romantic love and the rest.

On it being just a phase: what does it matter? Maybe you'll be this way forever, maybe (less likely) you'll change in a month, either way figuring out where you are now won't hurt knowing where you are tomorrow.

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how-dy doo-dy!!!!!!!!!

i think the majority of us here have gone through the same thing you've been through. i know i have. i'' started feeling this way when i was around 10 (i'm estimating here).

welcome to the boards.

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Thanks you guys.

I'm not swankiVY2. ;-) I was reading some of the stuff she had posted from her chat sessions from one of the links, and was laughing my butt off.

Later -

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