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Type A or Type B personality


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i've noticed that many asexuals seem to be very motivated people with type A tendencies, so i was curious about the stats. personally, i'm a type A.

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Sorry, I don't know...as I'm not motivated in the slighteset, I suppose that makes me a B.

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I can never remember...where's the stuff on Typing again?

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I don't know the typing stuff. But I'm pretty sure I'm not a type A. Isnt that the one that is the ambitious, go getter type?

I'm lazy, backward, shy, and get intimidated very easily. I have very strong beliefs and attitudes and opinions and like to share them, but am always afraid of doing it, for fear of being shot down.

I will work hard and long when those I am working for appreciate me, but if they critize, I am gone in a heartbeat. Being rich, having things or being popular don't mean much to me. I live a very simple life. But I do need to be appreciated and liked.

I am a loner most of the time. I hate get-to-gethers, reunions, parties, meetings, or any other group settings.

So that makes me an anti-social, unmotivated, procrastinating hermit.

So not a type A personality! :D :D :D

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Jung Typology Test


My results came out as expected:

Your Type is


Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging

Strength of the preferences %

78 1 88 67

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:

very expressed introvert

slightly expressed sensing personality

very expressed thinking personality

distinctively expressed judging personality

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Here's a simple Personality TypeA/B Test.


I took it and think they got it wrong, but hey, maybe they know me better than I do myself. LOL. This test says I'm in the middle, Not A or B, but a little of both. :D

Results of Your Type A Personality Test

Personality Type

Your score = 56

What does your score mean?

You seem to be in the middle between the Type A and Type B personality. In this case, the middle ground is good. Your attitude to life is more of the "smell the roses" kind and you know how and when to relax. Nonetheless, you realize that picking up a challenge and competing a little bit for your place in the sun can add some spice to your life. The equilibrium is important, so don't let your hostile, aggressive, and competitive alter ego take over too often. Generally, you are easy to be around, and people tend to feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence. Yours is a very healthy attitude towards life.

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I'm a 53 in th middle like you. THough i can't see how that test is accurate - there are some questions that I answered "can not say for" because I agree with them in certain aspects and completely disagreed with them in other aspect

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I scored a 32.

Mid-range, but leaning toward type B.

I really am pretty laid back and tolerant of human foibles, so it seems pretty accurate in my case.


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I'm a 24 Type B = apparently VERY far from being Type A.

But yeah, there are things that I couldn't say on because it was too broad. Yes I find fishing and bowling would be a waste of MY time but there are plenty of people who like it...so I wouldn't say they're wasting THEIR time. USUALLY it doesn't bother me if I don't get finished everything by the end of the day but there's no way I can say 'always', sometimes I DO get panicked because I run out of time.

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Another middle-of-the-roader here with a 53. And INTP on the Myers-Briggs thing, the classic aspie result.

Many of the questions on the A/B test, I could have answered either way, depending on the specific circumstances. I can be very Type A about things that are important to me, and very Type B about things that aren't.

Anyone else suspect that we become more laid-back as we age? Type A behaviour uses up a lot of energy.

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at 46 it seems I am about as middle of the road as one can get.

on the other test I was INTJ though since I haven't a clue what means it is a meaningless reult..lol


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I think thats what being in the middle means. We can go either way depending on the circumstances. I know when I have a job to do, I like getting it done, now and to the very best I can do it, but also, I don't go looking for jobs to do or ways to move up the corporate ladder. I am very satisfied being on the bottom rung. LOL.

I can go fishing and stay out all night, even when the fish aren't biting. LOL. Very laid back in that area.

I can be very critical of others. It irks me to no end, when someone has a job to do and don't do it or does it hapazardly instead of doing it right, when I know they are doing it like that on purpose.

I have been very careful through my life, NOT to become a manager or supervisor, because I know the way I am, and it just wouldn't be fair to those under me.

So, I guess I can be a Type A if I wanted it, But I like being a Type B and try as much as possible to stay there. :D

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I'm 12, type B.

You seem to be far from having a Type A personality. Your attitude to life is more of the "smell the roses" kind. You know how and when to relax. The hostile, aggressive and competitive part of you surfaces rarely. You are easy to be around, and people tend to feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence. It's a very healthy attitude towards life. Just make sure you don't miss important opportunities because of being too cool and relaxed. Picking up a challenge and competing a little bit for your place in the sun can add some spice to your life.

Ehh...... I do think I'm Type B, but I think I should probably have at least a slightly higher score.

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I am sooo much a type B that it is hard sometimes for me to get anything done(at last at home!)

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i took the test from the site Ziffler posted. it seemed rather vague since it had the "cannot say" option. here is a link to a test based on the Jenkins Survey, the originators of the concept of type a and b personalities and their effects on health. (heart attacks specifically) it only takes a few minutes to finish. my score on that test was 327.


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127 here.

The worst thing for a Type B personality is to work for a workaholic Type A who expects their underlings to be the same way. I've had that unfortunate experience more than once *shudder*. I like my job, I do good work, I meet all my deadlines... but at 4:30, I go home and don't give work another thought until I return to work the next morning.

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I took the Calla_Lily test link:

Scored 138 so still close to middle between type B and type A.

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147 on the second test.


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My score this time is 205 - so I'm more of a Type A - maybe I'm schizo???

Similar results here...35 on the first test 204 on the second.

But I've always seemed more type B. On the other hand, I did have a heart attack :shock: which is traditionally associated more with type A's :? I dunno...maybe worrying is a type A trait. That's one thing I can't seem to stop!

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An interesting thing that I read a number of years ago divided type A people into two kinds - imploders and exploders.

The exploders are the kind that we usually think of as "classic" type A's, meaning that they are very goal-oriented and driven to succeed regardless of the consequences. They also tend to be extroverted and they want to make everybody around them work to the same standards that they impose on themselves. They can be truly miserable for the laid-back type B's to work with.

The imploders turn all of their energy inward and drive themselves very hard while outwardly being very tolerant of others. Even though they seem much more laid-back to other people, they are at a substantially higher risk of heart disease than the exploders.


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I took the Calla_Lily test link:

Scored 138 so still close to middle between type B and type A


Allowing for the fact that I am NOT a student..but translating as I went to work environment..I got a 170..basically Top Dead Centre again..lol

One question threw me a bit.."Were you difficult to discipline as a child"? My parents would have said yes..i said no. Argumentative? me??

Actually looking back to my prep-school days (when I seemed to have the most "clashes with authority" at school) when I was between 7 and 11 years of age I can honestly say I rarely got into trouble by deliberate act..more by careless inaction. Yet I horrified my elder brother because as he put it "roddy got spanked more times in the first seven weeks than I did in my whole first year!" For some reason it didn't bother me unduly..lol


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An interesting thing that I read a number of years ago divided type A people into two kinds - imploders and exploders.

The exploders are the kind that we usually think of as "classic" type A's, meaning that they are very goal-oriented and driven to succeed regardless of the consequences. They also tend to be extroverted and they want to make everybody around them work to the same standards that they impose on themselves. They can be truly miserable for the laid-back type B's to work with.

The imploders turn all of their energy inward and drive themselves very hard while outwardly being very tolerant of others. Even though they seem much more laid-back to other people, they are at a substantially higher risk of heart disease than the exploders.


this is interesting info greybird! i'm definitely an "imploder"!!! drive myself into the ground but am lenient with others....although i hate delegating anything, would rather just do it all myself.

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