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No libido affecting how I feel??


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Soooo the reason as to why I question my sexuality is because through the years (I’m in my early 20’s)I realized I have absolutely zero libido, and I’m confused as to why this is. I know (some) asexuals have a libido, and they choose how to relieve that. I feel like if I had a libido, I would not be questioning myself at all.. So, does no libido=asexual??

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Non-libidoists are rare, but they exist. Some are naturally that way and for some, it's a medical issue that is stopping the libido (hormone imbalances, depression, etc). 


As for if it makes you asexual - that's up to you. Does the lack of libido frustrate you cause you still want sex, your body just won't cooperate? Or are you perfectly happy with it?


I used to lack any sort of sexual desires. I didn't masturbate, I didn't want to do anything with a person, nothing. For 30 years, I could not get turned on. Relationships came and went and sex happened cause I figured I had to. During times between partners, I never did anything even remotely sexual, while with partners, I Just did stuff for them cause I thought I had to. But, then I met someone that actually sparked my libido, all around. Fifth long-term relationship and 30 years old, I finally figured out what this libido thing is all about. *shrug* 

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