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Quenn of Eastern France

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Quenn of Eastern France

Hey. What does a crush even feel like? I always thought that what I was feeling were crushes but now I'm really confused. I really want to be friends with some people, and with others I just feel this weird connection to them even if I don't know them that well. I get this warm, happy feeling when I'm next to them and I really like them as people but how do I know that that's a crush? Is there any difference between a crush and wanting to be around someone? In movies they always show these kids being completely obsessed with someone and thinking about them all the time but does that happen in real life? I don't feel like I'm ever gonna figure this stuff out...

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I've never had a crush on anyone but to me, what you're describing sounds like a squish - a "friend crush", so to say. Similar to a crush but you don't want to kiss or date them. You just really want them to be your friend, basically. So I guess the easiest way to find out if you're having a crush is to ask youself whether or not you want to be romantically involved with them in any way.

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1 hour ago, Quenn of Eastern France said:

In movies they always show these kids being completely obsessed with someone and thinking about them all the time but does that happen in real life?

It does happen to some people, but I wouldn't say everyone is always that obsessed with their crushes. 


1 hour ago, Quenn of Eastern France said:

but how do I know that that's a crush? Is there any difference between a crush and wanting to be around someone?

Do you want to get romantically involved with them? Like kiss them, go on "dates", etc? Then most people would probably define it as a crush.

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Well, there's definitely a noticeable difference between a squish and a crush. A squish is a warm, comforting feeling, like you're around someone you trust to be there for you when you cry, you want to become friends with them, to understand them more emotionally and intellectually. A crush starts off with a euphoric feeling, and makes you feel very nervous and giddy around them, you get more self-conscious, and do things to try and get their affection, and you want to get to know them on a deeper level than anyone else.

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Janus the Fox

Though I've never experienced what is described here in OP, but a crush is going to feel different to everybody, it is a crush as you say and that's "proof" enough.


Toward most of these types of questions/self-answers, I haven't and still can't note any crushes to date and how love itself can skip a so called crush stage.

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