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Asexuality Research

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Why not look at the differences in intelligence and long-term memory in terms of asexuals. You could determine whether or not a lack of sexual attraction also means different details are focused on.


Also I feel inclined to inform you that some asexuals do experience libido, but it is not "targeted", it is simply a byproduct of our hormones. So you can experience a libido without sexual attraction, which could also be an interesting subject to focus on.


There has been some research done on the hormones of asexuals. However most of this research was completed much like the old research into homosexuality to determine whether it can be "cured". Therefore there is not much research into the other aspects of asexuality, such as its effects on perception. 


Personally I believe that asexuality affects the way in which we interpret the world, as I experience less focus on body parts than others, which I have noticed in my attempts at art. It would be an unusual topic to research how an asexual perspective affects one's interpretation of the world.

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8 minutes ago, Lichley said:

Personally I believe that asexuality affects the way in which we interpret the world, as I experience less focus on body parts than others, which I have noticed in my attempts at art. It would be an unusual topic to research how an asexual perspective affects one's interpretation of the world.

Thank you so much for writing!! Super cool!! I actually am exactly the same in terms of body. I have a history with that... I was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder but not autism, and I am so un-bodily. So awesome to meet a kindred spirit in that way.. thanks.  I love art!!! Live for it!! Mm.....

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6 minutes ago, em3 said:

Thank you so much for writing!! Super cool!! I actually am exactly the same in terms of body. I have a history with that... I was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder but not autism, and I am so un-bodily. So awesome to meet a kindred spirit in that way.. thanks.  I love art!!! Live for it!! Mm.....

I love art, but I'm bad at it. I have so much creativity and so many stories I wish I could get down, but I can't express it in a way which displays what I can envision in my head, so I've given up trying to get it down, because I'll never be able to get it right. And because paper is expensive.

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There's quite a lot out there by now.


See this thread for a start:



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A few recent peer-reviewed research articles involving asexuality in human populations:


Brotto & Yule. (2016)."Asexuality: Sexual Orientation, Paraphilia, Sexual Dysfunction, or None of the Above?"

Bogaert, Ashton & Lee. (2017). "Personality and Sexual Orientation: Extension to Asexuality and the HEXACO Model"

Vares. (2017). "‘My [asexuality] is playing hell with my dating life’: Romantic identified asexuals negotiate the dating game"


There is research regarding asexuality in the scientific community, it is a more recent phenomenon.  There is more out there, I just looked on google scholar and am too lazy at the moment to continue to cite more.  In no way is the quantity of research out there as ample as research pertaining to other sexual orientations.  

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