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I'm romantically attracted to femmes - what would that be called?


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Ok, I'm a cis woman, and I'm romantically attracted to femme-identified people, not only femme women, but also femme gender-nonconforming people or even femme men.  Would I be considered homoromantic, biromantic or what?  

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I think it's just easier to say panromantic or biromantic, but specifically into femme people. You can use something like "gynoromantic" but people will probably assume that's an anatomical distinction rather than femininity. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Panromantic I think because you are also attracted opposite sex looks like same-sex so...

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Being into men and women isn't homoromantic, so bi or pan; whichever you prefer. Having a type doesn't change your orientation. If your interest in men is once in a blue moon then homoflexible can be used, but it's still being bi/pan; just some people like to specify. However, this doesn't have a romantic term yet so you'd have to fully state 'homoflexible ace' to clarify you're not using it sexually.

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gynoromantic is a word that nonbinary people use to mean they are attracted to females, since hetero/homo don't really apply right to nonbinary people.  i don't see any reason you couldn't use that word to mean you're attracted to femme identities!  

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@warrigan But that does go against it. They said they're into feminine people regardless of sex/gender. That's different from Gynoromantic which refers to a NB person being into only women/female bodied ppl.

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