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Gender Neutrality in Italian


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I'm currently taking Italian in college and my professor was asking me and another person since we're the only two nonbinary members of the class if there's any pronouns that may exist colloquially in Italian which we could use so she doesn't misgender us. She doesn't want to make us feel uncomfortable and all, so she is trying to look herself, but she asked if we could also look too so maybe there might be a way? She refers to us either by name or by the pronoun "Lei" to be formal, but it would just really help if anyone knows. Grazie!

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The first thing that came to my mind was "Loro", which is they/them. Or otherwise "Te", since is slightly less direct than "Tu", you. Feel free to ask if you need any help in Italian.

Buona fortuna!

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What do you use as gender neutral definite articles (instead of il/la/lo/l')?

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There aren't any gender neutral definite articles.

Il/lo/i/gli are masculine

La/le are feminine

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