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Tough enough?


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I try to be as manly as I can as a trans man. I can't help the fact that I'm short and have a feminine body but the fact that I get uncomfortable at the mention of sex and just how I am so cuddly to people make me seem weak or innocent. I want to feel tougher than I look. I'm from a tough family too and I don't want to seem like the only weakling among the strong people they are.

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Remember that strength/toughness is more than just physical! Emotional strength and strength of character are, in my opinion, the most important things. :) You are already well on your way by having the strength to know yourself and to BE yourself!


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Honestly just the fact that you're trying in a world that isn't kind to trans people makes you pretty tough.


Toughness = Masculinity is a bit of a construct and health wise it can be difficult to be tough given your body type )ectomorph, endomorph etc). Be the best person that you can be regardless of toughness.




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