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I’d love Feedback from Graygender, Demigender, Magigender & Genderflux Individuals


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All right. I have no idea what’s going on in my head right now, and I’m currently juggling with a lot of gender terms, just trying to make sense of how my gender feels and what exactly it is. I would love graygender, demigender, magigender, and genderflux folks to say a piece about how their sense of gender feels. On a daily basis, with pronouns, with dysphoria (or lack thereof).. 

yall have no idea how much i would appreciate it 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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I don't feel any particular way. I just am. If people see me and treat me how they see me, that's that. 

I.e. just because I'm not a feminine stereotype, doesn't mean anything. And the same is true for masculine stereotypes. Do I have them? Doesn't matter. What matters is that you do what you like in the world, and be treated decently, but also not thinking too much about how others see you.

We all have certain personal stories, that we identify with, sometimes pasts we identify with or don't, but I think it is important to know that you can always change and grow. Things are not set in stone like that.

So, e.g. I don't like my female form, I disliked it a lot. Now I just accept it, and do what I want to with the "tools" I have. Don't like long hair? Cut it. Don't like dresses? Don't wear them. Don`t like make-up? Don't put it on. ...etc.etc. 

At the end of the day, those things don't matter to me as forms of gender expression at all. I am just me, doing and deciding what I want to do. If people see and treat me as woman, that's ok. If I don't conform to femininity, that's ok.

You can be a woman or girl and masculine and vice versa. Women can have all the different, interests, capabilities, likes and dislikes in the world, the same goes for men.  You can have the body you have and like and dislike whatever. Not care about whether that's considered masculine or feminine by society. And I think that's true for most people, nobody is really totally this or that. 

I identify with my personality and my abilities but am aware all that can change. 

So, you do you. Certain times in our life are very turbulent and we don't get a lot of stability until some time later in adulthood. So why think so much about it now?....Go with the flow of your own life. 


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I am an amab person, but I identify as xirlflux, I cant stand my chubby masculine bodyform and I feel very womanlike, but also not exactly as I will never be able to pass. But I do not care, it is just as you said:


4 minutes ago, Angelnoir said:

nobody is really totally this or that. 


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On 9.11.2017 at 11:56 AM, Finn. said:

sorry posted this in the wrong topic!!

soo, finally a reasonable answer =)


On 7.11.2017 at 5:24 AM, 7aerith7 said:

how their sense of gender feels. On a daily basis, with pronouns, with dysphoria (or lack thereof).. 

Mmh. When I feel really gendered I would be fine with he/him pronouns too, but they/them pronouns are always good, so that's what I go by in general (in English). In German I started telling people they can use either sie or er pronouns, I don't care. I think going exclusively with er pronouns wouldn't feel right, as it's the same with him pronouns in English. My dysphoria changes and fluctuates all the time. It doesn't necessarily relate to how gendered I feel or what gender I am. I had horrible dysphoria both being transmasculine as well as being agender or what have you. My gender expression either mirrors my gender or balances it out. E.g. transmasc=androgynous or transmasc=lipstick. It depends on my dysphoria and mood.

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