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soo im wondering if anyone here knows how to describe me. Ive never felt anything toward guys, not romantic or sexual. Towards girls, i have romantic attraction (or maybe i just really want to be their friend). I think sex looks gross and so does kissing on the lips ee. I don’t mind sex jokes like the 69 thing and all but sex just isn’t for me although i never understood why others say “i’d fuck that” because the most i feel is that they are so cute that i need to protect them. So to sum it up, i romatically like girls and think sex is gross. what does that mean for me?

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Hmm. No sexual attraction means ace, so your probably ace. As for being romantically interested in girls it sounds like homoromantic. In the end the only person that can label you is yourself, because you're the only person who knows how you feel deep down. The label is about expressing something complex ,like a lack of sexual attraction towards any individual, with a simple word, like asexual.

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Salutations! Welcome to AVEN


If you don't feel sexual attraction, then you probs are ace and homoromantic as well. However, only you can decide that since you know you best.

We cannot really confirm that for you.

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(the title reminds me of a riddle-- or maybe I've been watching too much Gotham)


Romantic attraction toward the same gender is called Homoromantic. But if you just have a friend crush that's not called anything (but just platonic feelings).


  • Romantic attraction - an emotion; so it doesn't translate well into words, but it can be inadequately put as soft/warm/fuzzy feelings with some degree of fixation (at least in comparison to one's normality with others). This is the base requirement, but some people also have a physical reaction to the feeling and others don’t (i.e. butterflies in their stomach, heart rate increase, blushing, etc. [though those can also be symptoms of platonic nervousness]). Others may react mentally with a dreamy mindset, anxious euphoria, infatuation, romantic fantasies, etc. And others may feel it light enough (compared to the norm) that there is no clear line between crushes and wanting emotional closeness (so if a squish aka friend crush doesn’t go away after the desired bond is reached or sexual/non-platonic desires are present it’s a crush).


  • Platonic attraction - (aka squish; a play on the romantic word crush, or colloquially known as a friend crush) is the impulse to further know or befriend someone specific. The desired bond can vary from being friends, to close friends, to best friends. It may include nervousness or admirance, and once the desired bond is reached the squish goes away.




Being grossed out by sex is actually really common regardless of orientation, but what makes sexual people pursue it is sexual arousal which clouds this part of the mind momentarily. Not being into lip kissing doesn't mean you couldn't be a sexual person either. Sex jokes are irrelevant; jokes and who someone sexually desires are two different things. All Asexuality requires is not desiring partnered sexual activity. But there are some things that can impair the emergence of one's sexuality.


1)      Masturbation; things may not be 'linked up' if you haven't, or being unable to may reflect health problems (low hormones, tumor).

2)      Age; most people realize their sexuality as late as 17, but a minority are at 20, so being younger than that could mean it's still developing.

3)      Making out/foreplay (perhaps specifically with a crush or someone trusted); if you desire to but never have then you may end up having responsive sexual desire (where arousal or foreplay is required to trigger sexual desire every time) like a majority of women and a minority of men do, i.e. half the population.

4)    Medication; some can lower or kill libido, as well as impair arousal/orgasm intensity. But if taking such meds is unavoidable then it's useless to consider how it’d be without them.

5)    Anxiety and/or negative self-perspective can also impair sexual/romantic orientation realization (which therapy can help).

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Since you're only romantically attracted to girls, I think you sound homoromantic. Your sexual orientation is a little harder, since the things you've said wouldn't necessarily rule out being sexual. But the fact that you're here, asking if you're ace, means that there's a higher chance of you being ace. (Did that make sense?)

Ultimately, none of us can tell you your orientation for sure. That is for you and you alone to decide. :P

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