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I’m confused


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Ok so recently like within the past 2 years I’ve stopped finding people attractive??? I learned about asexuality last year and I’m sure I’m somewhere on the spectrum but I’m only 14 so it could change. But recently I’ve had a steep drop off in arousal like with a three day period kind of steep. Is this normal???? Cause I don’t know if it’s something serious like a medical thing I don’t know because the other week I thought I was bi curious and ya know stuff about that stuff with someone of the same gender and know literally nothing can do it!! Please help. But it might of been going on for longer the decline of arousal I really don’t know like I’m straight and guys wouldn’t make me aroused either I’m pretty sure

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I'm fourteen too, and I went through something similar with not finding people attractive. I still thing people look nice, but not really, like, I-want-to-go-out-with-them nice. The dropoff might be just hormones, but I'm not sure. I've personally never thought about anything super serious, with any gender, but that's just my opinion.

Also, welcome to AVEN!

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Salutations! Welcome to AVEN!

Now, asexual means to experience no sexual attraction towards anyone. 


Now, if you stopped finding people attractive, this can come down to what type of attraction. Is it appearance? Romantic?  Sexual? If you don't feel any sexual attraction, then you are ace. If you feel no sexual or romantic attraction, you can be aromantic. 


The point is, if you don't feel any sexual attraction towards anyone, it makes you asexual and one of us. However, we can't exactly confirm it for you, as you know you and you have to decide for yourself! And anyway, you are still young, so it may change over time. I actually thought I was bi before becoming a panromantic asexual. There is no rush for anything!


Welcome to AVEN again! Happy cakerino day!


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Hey :)


1 hour ago, toastymuffin said:

I’m sure I’m somewhere on the spectrum

There is no "asexual spectrum". Asexuality one extreme point of the sexuality spectrum. If you experience sexual attraction/a desire for partnered sexual activity, at all, ever, you're not asexual.


1 hour ago, toastymuffin said:

I’m only 14 so it could change.

Yes, it could change. It's pretty likely to change tbh. You're still developing and things could look way different in a couple of months. Most people develop their orientation by the age of 16 and it might take some until 20 years of age. That's an awful lot of time at this point :) However that doesn't mean that it has to change. I'm afraid you'll have to wait and see what will happen.


1 hour ago, toastymuffin said:

But recently I’ve had a steep drop off in arousal like with a three day period kind of steep. Is this normal???? Cause I don’t know if it’s something serious like a medical thing I don’t know because the other week I thought I was bi curious and ya know stuff about that stuff with someone of the same gender and know literally nothing can do it!! Please help. But it might of been going on for longer the decline of arousal I really don’t know like I’m straight and guys wouldn’t make me aroused either I’m pretty sure

Yes, changing levels of arousal and related stuff is completely average. Same goes for being curious about bi things.


Hope this helps :cake:

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