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What Am I?

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So I've been confused for a long time as to what sexuality I actually fall into. I have never found myself sexually attracted to anyone my entire life, however I just have a feeling that if I found the right person I would want to do that sort of thing, so I don't think I have an actual aversion to sex, I just have never been attracted to anyone in that way. I'm also never really physically attracted to anyone (taking sexual attraction out of the equation), when people ask me whether so and so is attractive I can't really tell them what I think personally, outwith just an objective standpoint of whether they fit into societal ideas of beauty of not. I've never experienced that immediate attraction that people talk about. However, there is an exception to this. Over my life there have been two celebrities (both male, I'm female) who I've experienced a strong physical attraction to; one was a celebrity I followed for a long time and felt like I knew their personality very well (as well as a fan could know a celebrity), whilst the other is one I don't really know anything about, but I still feel a very strong attraction to. Therefore I'm very confused. I also heavily desire a romantic relationship in my life; I definitely would like to end up with someone and date someone, I don't have any desire to spend my life without a romantic partner, but it's difficult when you never feel attracted to anyone! 

Any advice?

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