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Came out to some of my friends and it feels great


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So I was just chatting with two of my friends and one of their girlfriends. The subject of out conversation shifted to sexuality at some point and I thought I should just tell them. It turns out my friend's girlfriend is bi and so they both knew pretty much more than I do yet about asexuality.


It was really cool finding out that some of my friends just understand it and support me. At that point we just chatted about a whole bunch of lgbt topics for almost 2 hours and it was honestly a really healthy conversation to have had.


I guess you never know who might understand it so well. Sorry if there are typos I didn't notice or the formatting is bad, i'm on mobile.


TL;DR: Came out to some close friends and they understood really well.

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"Coming out" does feel really good. When I first realized my asexuality I was a little shy about owning up in public. I thought people would misunderstand or misjudge. I was wrong. Things do get better when you come out(^○^)

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Came out out to my group of friends not long ago as well. I have a pretty dark sense of humor and now I can joke about this as well. It's great. 

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