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Am I the only one who doesn't like dirty and sexual jokes/humour?


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It seems that I don't like and I don't laugh at dirty jokes, for example people in my school do a lot of these jokes and I find them boring.

I was wondering if anybody here is like me or it's just me.


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I only find them funny if they are actually smart and well worded. I don't like the ones that are "shock humor," you know, just use sex to surprise you because it's 'taboo' or whatever.


But it's just humor, we all have different taste in jokes. Some like puns, some don't. I wouldn't think of yourself as strange for not finding this kind funny.

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For me it depends on if any thought went into it; just about anything can be funny in the right context. But yeah, I know a few folks who seem to have never truly left middle school and expect me to drop dead at the mere mention of the word "sex", and it's somewhere between amusing and frustrating. 

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Some are alright but others ( the really sexual ones ) are just unconfortable to hear :P

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1 hour ago, Puck said:

Some like puns, some don't. 

This is blatantly false. Everybody loves puns.


Hmm, I'm not sure I would say I like dirty jokes in particular, but I don't dislike them either. I think it completely depends on both context and content. If it's constant sex jokes while I'm trying to work/ study/ watch my favourite show, then I'm definitely not into that. But if it's banter with friends then I'm all for it–especially if it involves puns :P. The one thing I absolutely don't like is if the purpose of the joke is to objectify or demean someone sexually.

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I went to see Deadpool soon after it came out with my best friend for her birthday. Deadpool is not my type of movie. I saw it partially because it was her birthday and that was what she really wanted to do, and partially because we go to see almost all Marvel movies together. I felt like a disapproving parent the whole time, shaking my head at the dirty humor. Then everyone I talked to about the movie loved it, and I didn't know how to say that I didn't like it because I'm a prude ace :P.

Also, I'm not a fan of comedians who think that dirty automatically equals funny.

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For me, it depends on the joke. There are certain kinds of sex jokes I will never find funny, 'cause they're just gross under any circumstance. Others I find hilarious. I haven't quite figured out where the boundaries lie, where a joke will cross over from being funny to distasteful. Sometimes it depends on the setting, or the person telling it, whether I like the person or not, or how graphic the joke is. Quantity is also a factor. In movies, if there's too much sexual humor, it grows tiresome for me very quickly, but if it's used sparingly (and is well written and used to good effect), then I'll enjoy it. 


That said, given that you're still in school, it's very likely that the sexual humor you're exposed to on a regular basis by your peers is probably not of good quality. Their jokes are most likely very immature, used just for shock value, and not especially clever. If that's the kind of humor you hear all day, then it's hardly surprising that you find it boring. I would too, if I was so oversaturated with it like you are. Unfortunately, some people never grow out past that maturity level, but the good news is most people do manage to grow up, so it gets a bit easier with age to avoid the immature ones. ;)

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I don't mind dirty or sex jokes. They can be funny. I prefer puns.


Cards Against Humanity always got on my nerves as the people I played against would just go for the sex joke/answer. But I like clever answers. i.e the best Combo I've ever seen in a game I played was...


In celebration, town builds 50ft statue of... A tiny horse.


I couldn't stop laughing for hours.

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I like puns and clever jokes, blatant sexual references gross me out, although innuendo in the furry fandom doesnt seem to bother me - possibly because thats completely removed from reality.



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52 minutes ago, Juno_L said:

I went to see Deadpool soon after it came out with my best friend for her birthday. Deadpool is not my type of movie. I saw it partially because it was her birthday and that was what she really wanted to do, and partially because we go to see almost all Marvel movies together. I felt like a disapproving parent the whole time, shaking my head at the dirty humor. Then everyone I talked to about the movie loved it, and I didn't know how to say that I didn't like it because I'm a prude ace :P.

Also, I'm not a fan of comedians who think that dirty automatically equals funny.

Personally, I'm not all that crazy for crude humor, but I do make an exception for Deadpool. He's my favorite super hero but mostly because of his sarcasm, 4th wall breaking and undermining common super hero tropes. I just take his foul mouth as a part of who he is.

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Despite being sex-repulsed, I actually find that sexual jokes/innuendo can be quite humorous. In fact, I think I might even find them more humorous, since I'm used to thinking of real life sexual activities as being pretty gross and absurd. However, I know there are many asexuals who are the opposite.

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Blueberry Pie

I don't like dirty and/or sexual jokes. I find them annoying and gross. That's just my opinion, of course.

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I gotta admit that i like dirty jokes a good bit. especially the more clever ones. i can't resist laughing at the "that's what she said" ones. just any kind of jokes all around makes me chuckle or laugh. even the dark humored ones about death...i guess i just don't have a soul. 8) 


(random fact just to add evidence about my soulless self:  i remember when my grandmother passed away when i was young and of course i was sad at first but the next day i sung "grandma is dead and gone! dead and gonneee!" to the tune of  Dead & Gone by Justin Timberlake and TI...my sister gave me a serious stare and told me to stop singing that because it's not funny.) 

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I don't look at subject matter. Is the joke funny? Well delivered? Perfectly timed? Clever?


That's what makes it funny to me.


In the proper setting, anything can be funny. If you're being disgustingly sexual about your joke, and there's just no clever or timing to it. You're as good as making poo jokes, a 3 year old would be finding hilarious.


I find a good comedian, knows their market. Delivers, accordingly.


Good research skills, understanding what certain demographics find funny, and trying to slip in a well timed sexual joke, will be laughed at by most.

In a highly god fearing country? Slip in a clever, playful naughty joke just brushing on nuances vs full R rated.


Etc etc.


I look at it like South Park and Family Guy. They try too hard for the laugh, so try to go for shock value. Crass.


I'll take a good well written joke, any day. Regardless of content. I mean, I've burst out laughing at racist jokes, sexist jokes, sexual jokes, an all types of offensive jokes that were insanely well written.


Either your jokes are great, or you suck. Period.

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i usually think they're pretty funny, but.  :P

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On 7/12/2017 at 0:57 PM, Soldier455 said:

It seems that I don't like and I don't laugh at dirty jokes, for example people in my school do a lot of these jokes and I find them boring.

I was wondering if anybody here is like me or it's just me.


Depends the environment and if it's tasteful. If it's a group of people laughing because someone said " but" and it's at a funeral, well clearly it's just childish. If it's a group laughing because we are playing a trivia game and the card says something like "What's hard and long when young, and shriveled and saggy when old" when the answer was a carrot, on a camping trip, well okay that is rather amusing. 

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I find them gross. Mostly I also don't seem to understand them, which is good.

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I think they're funny... in moderation. Being in high school, it's tiresome when sexual jokes make up the entirety of one's sense of humor. Come on, people. A little variety, at least?

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No, you're not the only one: I can't stand that kind of thing! I find it utterly repellent - and boring. I can understand why kids are into it: sex is a novelty to them. But ADULTS? I just think, "Grow up, won't you!" It's so juvenile. 

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You're not the only one. I absolutely hate jokes and sex talk.

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I don't get a lot of them either, but that's because I lack the knowledge to understand them. With most jokes though, even when I know what they mean, I don't find them to be funny. I laugh at cheesy, nerdy jokes though, so most people think it's because I'm innocent and/or have a strange sense of humour.

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Personally, I feel like some are funny, but most aren't. I get told I'm "too innocent" to get them, but most of the ones they tell me just aren't funny in general.


Altogether, I like weird jokes. Like Sonic Boom types of jokes (if any of you have seen that show, you'll get it).

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  • 3 months later...

Every time I hear one I scream "SON OF A BITCH" at the top of my lungs. People eventually realized that it was unwise to tell them in my presence. 

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i love all jokes that feminist and sjw's hate or find rude.

cause i love a good laugh and shit is funny if you stop being an uptight maggot. 

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