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What if the whole world were asexual


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This is something I think about quite often. I'm sure I don't need to tell you all how difficult it is to be asexual in a sex-driven society. I wrote a blog post a while back about what I think such a world would be like. Since I've never been part of an asexual community up until now, I've never had anyone to discuss is with.


If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you gave it a quick read. You are welcome to give me you own thoughts.




Personally, I find living with sexual people to be rather amusing. I just don't like the violence associated with sexual urges.

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I read your blog and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though i have been asexual for a few years, i still have never thought about the whole world being like me, but i do like the idea. i feel like i would be much more comfortable in a world where sex isn't always talked about all the time and so mainstreamed in every type of media. i would prefer to live in that world than this one because it would be so much easier to find a partner that i know for a fact actually loves me for me and not just for sex or how i look on the outside. The birth rate in this world would most likely decrease a lot and a lot more children would get adopted and i don't have a problem with either because there are a lot of orphans that need homes. I feel like this world would be a dream come true! :D

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sexual desire not existing anymore is technically a step-back in evolution but anyway just so you know people can still hurt and abuse others without experiencing any kind of sexual inclinations.  btw clothing is pretty necessary lol. weather

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Lord Jade Cross

I actually pondered this for quite some time and even asked it but sadly the answers I got werent what I would have expected.


I wouldnt consider the extiction of sexual desire a step back in evolution since we are pretty much at a point where we are breeding parasites. It doesnt sound pretty but if you compare the offsprings of today with the offsprings of a time where we really did have to fight for our very lives to survive, we are by comparison much more inferior. Its not just physically only either. The amount of intuition and quick thinking our ancestors had has been lost due to all the modernization of the world and how we basically have to push but a button for everthing we want and yet we still complain about that being hard. If we take the evolutionary principle of survival of the fittest, we are pretty much doomed as it is


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That'd be great! We'd stop procreating, eat cake for the rest of our lives and soon be extinct.

Planet saved.

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Interesting read. I know I'm biased but I really do believe it would make the world a better place for a lot of the reasons you mentioned.

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I freaking love this topic! Just saying. Most religious folks don't talk about this, but the Bible implies that in the afterlife everyone will be asexual and agender. Sounds awesome to me! 😉👍😊👏

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2 hours ago, Just like Jughead said:

It would be a boring world if everyone were the same. 

Are you implying we're all the same? How long have you been on AVEN? :P

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In an asexual world, girls and women could walk around without fear of sexual harassment. A girl could go to a club, alone, and party without fear of being drugged and raped. They would no longer need to fear a guy who simply wants to say hi.

I've pondered this topic myself. This would be the best perk for me, as a female, who is use to being cautious in certain situations. It would also be great not have to worry about pedophiles when you have young children. 


I would interact with people a lot more, especially those of the opposite sex since I wont have to worry about them getting the wrong idea. 


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It would be a better world, for sure. Whenever I see news about sex violence, sex trafficking, kids and animals being involved... I just lose hope in humanity. These things happen around the world every day. Many people can't handle their sexual urges at all and it causes massive suffering to others. Instead of it being a bonding, love-enhancing activity people treat sex like a drug. There are people financially profiting from all that suffering as well, public figures abusing their positions of trust just for a sexual "hit". Even some messed up paediatricians! Like... how vile is that?

So yeah, I'd like that to be gone forever. 

It would be a safer world for all vulnerable people who can't say no and are often targets for abuse.

I can see that sex is not all bad, that it can be a wonderfully bonding experience, pretty ecstatic and special (or so they say haha) but the bad side of sexual urges - for me - outweighs it all.      

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this is a very interesting and well thought out blog post

and on the whole I agree it could potentially lead to a better world in a number of ways
however; also feel like... it oversimplifies some aspects of both asexuality and sexuality. 


Perhaps things could be better for sure; but I doubt most of the problems you listed would completely go away. 


A lot of violence, even sexual violence, has less to do with sex, and more to do with power and control


Also... it feels like romantic attraction, and the mine field that is romantic relationships, have been forgotten. Romantic attraction can be just as insane and illogical for a lot of people; therefore the idea of "logically picking partners" is absurd to me. 


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I have also thought about this quite often, and have wondered if it's the way that life is/was SUPPOSED to be in the first place.  Seems that there are a number of problems associated with sex. 

We would almost wipe out STD's and AIDS.  Pre-marital sex wouldn't exist.  People might actually marry for REAL love and to have and/or raise children.  The birth rate would probably drop significantly, but what would be wrong with that?  Abortions would be reduced ( perhaps still happening for medical reasons).  Rapes would be unheard of. 

People would have no problem masturbating instead of demanding that their partner fulfill their "needs".  Retroactive jealousy would be reduced considerably. 


We wouldn't be complaining about how our partner didn't want to 'service' us as much as we wanted or that our partner wasn't 'moaning' and groaning during the act. 


And we wouldn't feel "unloved" or "worthless"  or wonder if our partner "loved" us if we didn't have sex with them, PLUS, people wouldn't leave relationships because of the lack of sex.


Seems pretty good to me!   

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