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How to Come out?

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Hi guys, 


So, I've been debating coming out wholly to my friend group as ace. Most of them are LGBT supporters and likely would be happy for me to tell them. 

I have already come out to a friend (straight ally see), and another picked up on my being ace because of the ring (he's gay and knowledgable, hence). 

I don't really want to tell my family and friends, because I'm afraid they'll either deny it, "just a phase" it, or it'll just go badly.


How have you guys done it? Any suggestions?

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It's a shame National Coming Out Day is in October.


I came out to one of my friends beforehand (who wasn't out as pansexual), and then we devised a cunning plan. I brought up LGBT+ topics, then casually went for the "who here is LGBT+" angle. My friend got to come out as pan, then asked me right back, so everyone could hear me proclaiming my asexuality. Then two more people came out. 


Good luck, OP!

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hehe...well due to some unfortunate events a few years back i became convinced i was gay, and actually ended up coming out as that to my brother.... he still kinda acts weird around me now.... but at least he doesn't accuse me of trying to steal his girlfriends anymore(I just always got along with them more than he did -_-)

And now i have no clue how to go about correcting myself. And I'm honestly not sure whether i need to come out at all to my family. My closest friends kinda picked up on it the minute they saw I had started wearing a ring, and honestly they couldn't care less(in a good way).

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Why need to??? Who f-ing give a f? You could "come out" to the person who show interest in you so he/she won't get confusion on sex life but other then that...why? Just live your life like how you would to. You are not born to serve other people. People hate you because you are ace then f them. But my honest idea is don't try to come out. Let it causally involved in small talk or something like that rather than setting up a meeting and announce it. 


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I think that coming out is a very personal decision.  I've kind of made a decision that, if someone questions me on it, I would never deny it and, of course, I would be honest with a dating partner about my asexuality to clarify our relationship going forward.  I feel like if you think that it is really important to your sense of self to come out, then do it, but if you are comfortable where you're at, that's perfectly ok.  I, myself, use subtle signs like I wear my black ring and I have had my nails painted with the ace flag and stuff.  So, if people ask me about it, I tell them.  Because most people outside of the Ace or the LGBTQ community don't know what those symbols mean anyways, they won't likely pick up on them and those that do are likely to be supportive.  I believe that who you choose to come out to is up to you, but it sounds like you have some friends who support you.  Good luck!:cake:

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I came out to my friends, previous "relationships" and social networks first.

I haven't really told my family yet but so far everyone has taken it pretty well. 

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